Do what you can

There is so much utter nonsense going on in the world right now, it is difficult to fathom it all. But knowing that you have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on is a great help.

4 minutes Blog header post 055


Time spent on the mat is never wasted time. It’s important work.

There is so much utter nonsense going on in the world right now, it is difficult to fathom it all. But knowing that you have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on is a great help.

I went to a party on Monday night and surprisingly (for me) the conversation rolled round to Brexit. The topic of conversation itself was short. Punctuated or elevated despair and outrage, followed by ‘theres nothing any of us in this room can do about it so whats the point in getting mad’. We moved on.

These two points combined are illustrative of ‘actual reality’ in many ways. Finally the veil of social democracy has fallen from many peoples eyes and reality it can be clearly seen from the POV of you as an individual.  EG: Not only do you not know what is going on, there really isn’t anything you can do about it either.

The best you can do is to make decisions with real tangible outcomes in your daily life about how you are going to surf the current chaos – or even survive it.

  • Call or (better) see your family more – it’s the only one you have.
  • Speak to your friends on the phone or (better) in person.
  • Cook for people.
  • Start a book club.
  • Try to speak honestly at all times.
  • Stock pile critical medications.
  • Lean a new skill. Knots, Knife sharpening, Gardening.
  • Throw some swiggles

I could turn this whole thing in to a medium post that would probably do pretty well, as I’d fill it with some upbeat harden your heart stoicism and then segue in to sails and kifes analogies. But I’m not going to – as most of you know all this already.

I went to Ham House in Richmond with Mum and Dad on Wednesday it was pretty interesting. Below is the oldest known english made ivory furniture. A weird totem.


Speaking of Medium perviosuly

I got drunk with Other Jay/Owens on Thursday at the Whippet in Holborn. We talked about her newsletter Disturbances, Books, Life, Internet etc. It was good times.

Through the haze of strong IPA I promised her a current reading list. So I’ll be doing that this week. A huge list of books that are really interesting and should be read by all contemporary weirdos. I wonder how the gender balance is going to shape up at the end of it.

Permanently Moved

Episode 21
It started off as a simple show about the great abolitionist Harriet Tubman, but unexpectedly spun out into occult left history, criticism of the awful the law of return, and a soft landing via peter greys rewilding witchcraft.

You can subscribe to Permanently Moved in itunes: or search in all your favourite podcatchers.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo

Dipping the stacks

Captain Swing was here!

An Astrological Interlude: Brexit

Productivity is like a heat engine

These Cultural Treasures Are Made of Plastic. Now They’re Falling Apart.

When an Iowa Family Doctor Takes On the Opioid Epidemic

The Ministry

I’ve done a bit of writing but I’ve been super slack. I owe a bunch of people stuff its not even funny. The less said about all this the better. Move along.


My parents got me Paul: A Biography as a birthday present. But, I just got it Wednesday belatedly. I am only 100 or so pages in but He is alive in this book. The historical Paul is alive and well. Very much the same way the Theben Sorcerer was alive in the most recent PGM course over on runesoup. Its a remarkable book.

Its always been my belief that to understand Paul is to understand the modern world. This book is doing so in new ways.



Been listening to a lot of Baths this week. This track from last years Romaplasm has so much going on.

Remember Kids:


Its K-pop actually, and i did not loose any money – but yeah.

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2 responses to “Do what you can”

  1. […] of my most read blog posts last year I tried to summarise what the most important thinkers (to me) seem to have in common. I wrote the […]

  2. […] August 2018 I wrote the following on my blog and it seemed to strike a nerve: I’m going to repeat them […]

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