Start Select Reset Zine | The Hows & The Whys

Issue #009 of Start Select Reset Zine went out today via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!


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Issue #009 of Start Select Reset Zine went out via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a month or above!

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Issue #009

This issue is a double bill. Two essays on the future of 301. It’s a bit of a navel gazey thing to do I’ll admit, but there are things afoot – and the first people who should know are paid up mailing list members!

As I explained in my usual back cover missive, the double essay issue was party an excuse to experiment with layout design. I wanted to find out just how many words you can fit into this zine format. The answer is ~2k. Which is good to know!

Expect more lino prints or stamps in future issues though! As printing is way more fun than writing!

A picture of Start Select Reset Zine made by Jay Springett during its cutting and folding process
A picture of Start Select Reset Zine printed sheets made by Jay Springett
A picture of a stack of Start Select Reset Zine made by Jay Springett
A photo of Jay Springett posting Start Select Reset Zine out to subscribers in front of a mailbox.

In addition to figuring out just how many words I could fit in the zine, it was also an excuse to finally learn all the spacing, leading, and kerning tools in Affinity Publisher. I had a crash course in it recently (more on this in a future post) and I wanted to apply my learnings to SSR.

As you can see below though, after a full year in the new format, the zine is (I think) starting to get it’s design dialled in. Issue #006 is embarrassingly bad in comparison to where it’s at now! I’ve learn’t a whole lot about print and page layout recently and think I’m going to try and something ambitious for Issue #010. Maybe … something for sale? Lots of pages, things are also afoot with this… If it’s a success, I may go back and do a print version of Issue #001 too.

Paid mailing list subscribers will of course get any zine I make in the mail as usual.

A promo picture of Start Select Reset Zine made by Jay Springett

Also, one last thing: I’m thinking about buying my own laser printer, as it would make for more economical printing in the long run – plus the inkjet printer we currently have in the house is a spiteful machine and I’ll be glad to see the back of it.

If you’d like to help me buy a new printer (lol), support my other creative endeavours, and wold like a zine please do subscribe!

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