World Running

Worlds are everywhere, we need new skills to run them.

World building, virtual worlds, entertainment worlds, media franchises, corporate worlds, theme park design, XR/VR, volumes, escape rooms, tabletop games, undirected play, hybrid/mixed reality storytelling, and much much more.

From over the horizon a new discipline is emerging:

World Running

‘World Runner’ was first coined in 2020 as portmanteau of worldbuilder + showrunner. In time I belive the term will come to encompass so much more.

Cohesive worlds are hybrid environments made up of the people, places, and technologies that create them. Running worlds, is now what I’d like to do professionally, full time.

Hearing the term World Running for the first time was like being struck by lightning. Wording worlds, and figuring out how to run them is literally what I’ve been doing doing with my life.

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World Running 🌐

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