Permanently Moved

2416: Hole of Tears Permanently Moved

Ivan, lost in the chaos of modern life, takes a walk by the river seeking solace. A modern fairy story. Full Show Notes: Support the show!  Subscribe to my zine Watch on Youtube Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded by @thejaymo
  1. 2416: Hole of Tears
  2. 2415: First Person Memory
  3. 2414: The Origins of Modern Bureaucracy
  4. 2413: Conflict of Disinterest
  5. 2412: Surface Flatness

Permanently Moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length; written, recorded and edited by @thejaymo

Guaranteed fresh insights in the same time it takes to listen to Teen Spirit

Produced weekly since 2018, Jay Springett’s Podcast Permanently Moved has become a fixture in iTunes top 100 rankings around the world its category.

Any given episode might explore an aspect of the Internet and how it changes us, or stories about long dead saints and why they matter, to the existence of a wild crisp conspiracy in the heart of UK supermarkets.

Tightly scripted, yet nakedly transparent about the creative process – Permanently Moved is a web series in love with the potential that others have to share their passions, as much as it is with its own.

A 301 second long show about the Internet, a how-to-DIY journal, a 21st century Why Don’t You for adults.

Recently it’s mostly been about worlds

Permanently Moved Itunes Top 50 Podcast

In January 2020 Permanently Moved broke the iTunes UK Top 50 Personal Journal podcasts chart for the first time. Just 43 places behind 301’s bête noire Desert Island Discs!

It has subsequently charted Top 50 in countries such as: Brazil, South Africa, and Sweden. In January of 2023 Permanently Moved ranked #1 in Personal Journals in Iceland!

Paid supporters receive eternal gratitude and Start Select Reset 📑 via snail mail 4 times a year!

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