A photograph of Jay Springett / @thejaymo

Hi 👋 I’m Jay Springett

Writer, Podcaster, and Strategist

Welcome to thejaymo.net! My homepage on the World Wide Web since 2009

I am interested in the design, administration and flourishing of worlds of all kinds

My primary thesis: All techno-social systems should be seen through the lens of worlds

I’m currently writing my first non-fiction book: The Web Was a Side Quest — an exploration of worlds as a medium and how they came to be. My essay collection on World Running can be found at worldrunning.guide

Since 2018 I’ve been making Permanently Moved. A 301 second long personal podcast that condenses complex ideas into digestible bites

An early voice in the Solarpunk movement, I’m committed to envisioning and navigating towards sustainable, regenerative futures

My new interview podcast on creativity and aphantasia is called Experience.Computer

Contact me about working together here

Permanently Moved is an iTunes Top 100 personal journal.
301 seconds in length. Written, recorded and edited by me weekly since 2018.

Weeknotes 🗓️

My Weeknotes Newsletter has been sent from my virtual desktop since 2018. If you’re interested in my work and curious about my influences, consider this newsletter your personal weekly dispatch from my world

Prefer Email? 📨

Subscribe to receive my Weeknotes + Podcast releases directly to your inbox. Stay updated without overload!

Or subscribe to my physical zine mailing list from £5 a month

Experience.Computer is slow radio about high tech.
An interview show about aphantasia, creativity, and the imagination

Apple PodcastsSpotifyPocketCasts

The show examines how people perceive the world, and how they work with the creative tools they use to make their work with

Start Select Reset Zine (SSRZ) is a physical newsletter sent via snail mail to subscribers four times a year

Subscribing supports my work and podcast and brings you the small pleasure of receiving something in the mail 🤗

Slides and speaker notes for my Solarpunk keynote given at Unsound Festival (2019)

Solarpunk is a collective ‘Memetic Engine’. A cultural construct, a tool to power and provides the ‘re-futuring’ that our collective imagination needs

World Running Blog Image. A clickable link to the World Running category page.

World Running 🌐

A speculative research project about worlding worlds, and running them

AI 🤖

I’ve been using modern AI tools since before they had web UI. I’ve also already had my identity stolen by an AI sludge content farm. Obviously I’ve had thoughts….

Pinned 📌

Some posts that caught algos attention. An ideal starting point if you’re new around here

I’ve been blogging since 2010. Web-logs are the most social of medias.
Stay connected by grabbing the full RSS feed.