000: seems simple enough

its july 2012 and i turn 27 this month. i thought maybe its about time i started a blog..


3 minutes
thejaymo.net Blog header post 000

its july 2012 and i turn 27 this month. i thought maybe its about time i started a blog..

well i say started… i registered this wordpress account around 2010. its a stupid url name, but i thought it sounded pretty emo, and i liked it. (and if you don’t think that’s not a good enough reason to name anything anything, you can go fuck yourselves)

as i mentioned ages ago in this post over on tumblr. i HATE writing. it’s probably my dyslexia, but i can’t ever to be bothered to pluck up the inclination to sit down and actually write something. or maybe its my chronic procrastination. right now as i type this i have 30k of words sitting unfinished and unpublished in my google docs. i’m going to try and finish them.

one of the main reasons i want to start a blog is i have been contributing to the edgeryders platform and (god forbid) i *might* have actually enjoyed sitting down, writing something, and hitting publish.

i kinda took a break from a lot of things last year up until relatively recently. that break included spending some time away from the internet. i started a few projects and had some cool ideas – for example i was toying with the idea of doing ‘some kind’ of podcast/audio essays in place of actually writing a blog. but it turned out to be WAY more effort than simply sitting down and writing a god damned post. i have three audio experiments sitting on my computer right now – but i wasn’t happy with them at the time. maybe i’ll edit/recut them and post them at some point.

ive decided to also post a public list of ‘things todo’ or ‘things i want to do’ list as a separate page. some of the shit on the list will be personal things – like updating my flickr account for example. it hasn’t been updated since october last year and i still have photos going all the way back to aug11 to sort, edit and post. i’m hoping that forcing myself to start writing about shit will make me more productive in some ways and more inclined to work on other stuff too. especially as its august next month and i really can’t face going through 12 fucking months of photos. so i definitely need to make some headway before then. other stuff will be stuff i want to do. it might be a big project, or something i need help with. i guess/hope that if anyone sees something on the list and wants to collaborate: well… that would be super awesome.

i’ll populate that list as i go. i have a ‘master list’ of ideas in the back of my current notebook that needs typing up.

so as of right now i have absolutely no plan on what i’m going to write about. probably whatever the fuck i feel like. so we’ll see how it goes.

BUT for the next year:

one post a week. 52 weeks, 52 posts, doesn’t seem too hard…

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2 responses to “000: seems simple enough”

  1. […] thought it might be fun to go back to post 000 from back in the heady days of my late 20’s and […]

  2. […] thought it might be fun to go back to post 000 from back in the heady days of my late 20’s and […]

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