10 In The Wind

A brief note over here to prove I’m alive. Had some health problems recently but nothing major. The last few months in between waking up, commuting, working, commuting and sleeping, I’ve been toying with another visual essay that will be in a similar style to Colonising the Clouds. It’s called ‘Seeing Through The Debris’ and will be…


1 minute

A brief note over here to prove I’m alive.

Had some health problems recently but nothing major. The last few months in between waking up, commuting, working, commuting and sleeping, I’ve been toying with another visual essay that will be in a similar style to Colonising the Clouds.

It’s called ‘Seeing Through The Debris’ and will be on The Breakaway Civilisation, Conspiracies and how to parse them. I posted some WIP on tumblr at the weekend. Teh full thing should be out fairly soon. But in the mean time an except is embedded below:

P.S I might start blogging a bit more in short bursts here. No one reads blogs anymore anyway.

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