Every mile is two in winter

“Good words are worth much, and cost little.”  ― George Herbert Narrative I think I’m going to move my post day to Saturday. Fridays is getting busier as the day I have to go in to London. It’s also the reason I’ve spent most of today hung over. I’ve spent the week grazing on the…


4 minutes
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“Good words are worth much, and cost little.”  ― George Herbert


I think I’m going to move my post day to Saturday. Fridays is getting busier as the day I have to go in to London. It’s also the reason I’ve spent most of today hung over. I’ve spent the week grazing on the poetry of George Herbert. Its been nice.

So GameSpot Universe said ‘Altered Carbon Is Sci-Fi’s Game Of Thrones Moment”. If they mean high production values with sweeping changes to the source material then ok. But the source material changes did made for a better TV show at the end of the day, and I did really like the whole show though. The concerns I had were addressed well (I think) – but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise. Im hoping another series gets green lit, the next book is Indiana Jones in space, there is a lot that could be done with that.

Two further thoughts:

1. I thought the show missed an opportunity with its soundtrack, Vangelis defined the sound of the future with the Blade Runner. They could have looked to ITAL TEK or NKISI or a similar artist and blown everyone away

2. There are lots more strong women in the TV show vs the novel and this was an extremely good change for the better.

3. Bonus third thought: The sex scenes were actually ‘sexy’ unlike in the novel.

I have actually spent a lot of my week AFK I feel much better for it. Not sure I have all that much to say this week.

Dipping the stacks

  • Quote tweets are just disingenuity all the way down
  • The art world is producing a new genre of discourse; the fractal rant
  • Snowflakes are composed of fractals – Coincidence?????
  • The Masons?
  • Team follow back is the most annoying new twitter tribe

The Ministry

This week I had another late Sunday night call working on a codenamed project – which is moving along at a very fast pace. I think there’ll be trip to Berlin on the cards soon as a result. I met my accountant on Wednesday and ended up following up on a lot of his advice immediately which pushed a lot of my planned self directed work out the window into next week unfortunately. For good reason – but I never thought good news would be so stressful on the day to day. It’s a weird life/world, learning a lot though.

Had a three hour meeting on the subject of how organisations actually work which part way devolved into a huge mutual rant about Blockchain Men & 21 year olds who think they can re-invent the way organisations work with story points and Kanban boards. Just awful stuff. I Can’t talk about it much more but I think the research project should have some cool outcomes, in the mean time i think the first proper workday/brain storming session will be in an Airbnb somewhere super sick in London.

Had a call with the good Tim Hwang about the Awesome Foundation, the call was brief but very interesting. Im hoping to catch up with him whilst he is in the UK.

The Organisation I’m coaching are making lots of progress on their internal processes its really nice to see.

Lastly I have seen A LOT of my old colleagues from the company that broke me last year. Its super weird that almost no one works there anymore they went though a lot after I left thats for sure. Speaking to / seeing them is a bit like a big group therapy session.


I read Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis  by George Monbiot this week.

In the spirt of polyphony, I’ve ceased to bother quibbling about things within/on topics that I’m largely in agreement with. Its a good book, I’ve recommended it to the young solarpunks in the discord group.

I’ve just started reading Jordan Peterson’s 12 rules for life an antidote to chaos. Too early to report back just yet. But I already suspect his popularity is simply due to the amount of people who need therapy in our society.


French Pop Goddess Mai Lan released her newest album last month “Autopilote’ and I just got round to listening to it. Most people only really know Yelle when it comes to French Pop but Pop Up will be 10 years old this year so might be time for a new touch stone.

The lead single Vampire came out over a year ago but it captures the feel of the whole album perfectly. Think it’ll be on rotation this spring as the sun wakes up.

Remember Kids:


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