He escapes into absurdity

The battle for freedom is not fought alone on the great fronts. It is fought in every home, in every community, in every state in the world. it is fought in the mind and heart of every man. Jack Whiteside Parsons – Freedom is a Two-edged Sword Narrative Returned from Berlin invigorated and renewed with…


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The battle for freedom is not fought alone on the great fronts. It is fought in every home, in every community, in every state in the world. it is fought in the mind and heart of every man.

Jack Whiteside Parsons – Freedom is a Two-edged Sword


Returned from Berlin invigorated and renewed with a sense of purpose. I must admit that its a nice change. Before I left I’d somehow gotten myself stuck in my living room, becoming increasingly anxious about leaving the house – some kind of prison of inaction. I’ve decided to make some changes and build out more of a routine to ensure it doesn’t happen again… you know… like committing to leaving the house for at least an hour a day lol. I have too much to do this year to let being a Sad Boi get in the way.

SO much has happened to me since I left my job in September, on top of that I wouldn’t say it was hyperbole to say that I’m just coming out of a PTSD like situation from my old job. I’d really like to go for dinner with my old boss (who quit before me) to close out that period of my life. Not that I want sympathy or I’m telling a sob story or anything but the last 6/7 months really have been a real struggle for me.

Work meetings aside, the main thing that I got from the Berlin trip was seeing friends and talking frankly over dinner with people I really admire about their strategies for managing their daily lives. Keeping up with the self motivation, goal setting etc. I’m grateful for that discussion. I’ve taken a lot home with me.

Dipping the stacks

  • I see that the elite’s are going to get their war with Russia after all
  • Half of all the democrats running in the mid terms are connected to the US security apparatus in some way
  • Im thinking about unfollowing at least 200+ people on twitter but not quite sure yet

The Ministry

Since I last blogged (a few days ago) I’ve basically been getting my ducks in a row ready for a busy next week. I’m also in the middle of trying to tidy my desk/working space and creating a better environment for myself. Not that it wasn’t organised (HAHAHA- Eve) it was just er…. visually messy…. who am i kidding. It’s sometimes so messy Eve puts up a screen in front of it when people come over.

I heard back from Re:Publica Berlin about my talk proposal on Solarpunk. They said in the email that I’d hear something in the next 2 weeks or so. Time is moving along and out though, so they need to get on that I have other shit in my life to organise.

Frank Landis wrote a fantastic pice on solarpunk over on Antipope.org which was super cool.


I’m 2/3 of the way though Metro 2035 (Метро #3) by Dmitry Glukhovsky

I think the first book was probably the best one in the trilogy as it was new and an exciting premise in the genre, plus my head was full of it on my first trip to Moscow just as Roadside Picnic and the game Stalker was in my head when I visited Chernobyl. I have a massive soft spot for post apocalyptic fiction since I was a teenager. I just can’t help myself.

It’s interesting listening to my inner thoughts/reaction to the world of the novel having been so deep in the solarpunk community recently. The first great solarpunk novel is still to be written but the focus on the hope amongst climate and environmental tragedy is much more my jam. Post apocalyptic solarpunk written by teenagers paints a more interesting and complex world than nuclear grimdark.

I have David Holmgren’s newest book Retrosuburbia on order I’m super excited about it.


Since I got back I’ve had the Superorganisim, S/T album on repeat. It’s a real strong debut album.  Something for your M.I.N.D is one of my favourite singles from last year and the album builds and iterates on it.

I’m really glad that I got to see them at their first ever show last year at Village Underground. I’ve just looked and they are hitting the festival circuit hard in 2018.

Rollingstone have a cool article on them called: Superorganism: How an Internet-Addled Commune Made a Warped Psych-Pop Gem – I’d agree. If you like quirky psych pop, this might already be shaping up to be the album of the summer for you.

In other music news, I picked up Toto Coelo – I Eat Cannibals 12″ single for 50p MINT in Oxfam yesterday and it’s made me so so happy.

Remember kids:


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  1. […] (previously) have a new album out called World Wide […]

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