
This week I’ve been enjoying the observation phase of gardening.


2 minutes
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As a general rule of biology, migratory species are less ‘aggressive’ than sedentary ones. – Chatwin

This week I’ve been enjoying the observation phase of gardening. I’m growing a couple of the same things in different places in the garden in pots and seeing how they go this year. I know already a few things about what I’ll change/do differently for next year.

Observation is one of the most important elements in permaculture. But really watching how things, other people and you yourself change day by day, month by month and year by year is really important in normal life in general. Having this much time off  having ‘a real job’ has allowed me time and space to reflect on my life and how I am approaching the world. All this thinking feels like its beginning to reach the spillway of a dam, not sure when or wear it will bust but the resulting waters will chart the course for the next few years of my life thats for sure.

One of the other things I need to do is stop laying/working on the sofa. It’s fucking my back up.

Went on the march yesterday, was really fun to be with friends. Got drunk. Had a great day.

Permanently Moved

Episode 14

No overall theme this week. Just a quick update and shilling a few things I’ve been up-to. I talk about saying good by to my friend who’s moving to the USA, how the podcast is going, I bought scrivener recently, recommend the book Songlines by Bruce Chatwin and also do the ‘Don’t forget to like and subscribe’ thing for the first time.

Dipping the stacks

Clemency for Ross Ulbricht, Serving Double Life for a Website

The Ministry

As I said in the show this week, I’m really enjoying this weekly podcast. It’s a lot of fun.

So it looks like I might be speaking twice in Amsterdam in September – details soon.

I bought scrivener finally with the 50% discount code you get for winning NaNoWriMo. Its kind of confusing at first when you first boot into it, but I’m getting the hang of the way I want to use it.

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Closing in on the last 50 pages of retrosuburbia. It’s a tome.

I spent most of this week catching up on podcasts. Listened to a lot of Howsound, Rogan, THC, and AeonByte


I’ve been listening to a lot of Bossa Nova recently. Track below is a banger. The Guy has released like 30 albums or something. There is a lot to catch up on.

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