The Future Starts Today

I don’t know who many of you are even reading – let me know in the comments if you are – but i’m not particularly bothered.


5 minutes Blog header post 061

“The universe is but a corpse puffing up.”
― Liu Cixin, Death’s End

Well, It seems that I forgot to hit publish on my blog post from last week so you get two posts in one. As I sat down to type this morning there was about 5 minutes of confusion. Where exactly did all the time go? But I just hit post on last weeks post, and now I’m sitting down to type this weeks missive/update.

I don’t know who many of you are even reading – let me know in the comments if you are – but i’m not particularly bothered. This is the first time I’ve ever kept a blog up for this long ever. Now i’m in the groove of things its nice to sit down every week and type.

Speaking of typing.. I suppose the biggest news in my life is that I’m typing this right now on my new mechanical keyboard :@)

It is an AUKEY G3. The cheapest backlit mechanical keyboard on amazon. I got it for about 33 quid. (It was reduced – but I also had a £6 off web voucher that was going to expire at the end of the month). It was a great deal quite frankly. I already know what I’d look for if i was ever going to get a more expensive one.

I musty say tho. It is certainly strange typing on a proper keyboard again. After 9 years on a mac keyboard. A 105 key layout keyboard reminds me a lot of my old job working in spreadsheets. Which is something I quite enjoy.

It is also strange that sitting in front of a keyboard like this as it instantly feels more like business. It feels like ‘I am here here sitting in front of my laptop about to do something as opposed to clicking around wasting time’. Even the sound of the clicking the keys make, makes you feel a bit more like you are doing work, not just watching words appear on the screen in front of you.

In many ways this is what i was hoping for. I’m going to be spending November and December typing. Thats it basically: just typing. I think I have about 100k words (minimum) that I want to get out of my head before the end of the year. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all those words, but it should form a core set of materials from which to build from next year. That’s my justification for buying this incredibly LOUD and obnoxious keyboard basically.

Eve told me within an hour of coming home from work and hearing me use it that she hated it LOL.

Permanently Moved

Episode 27 – The Future Starts Today

This episode I talk about the MOD’s new Global Strategic Trends Report – 6th Ed.
Its called: The Future Starts Today and is really interesting (the report not the podcast).

Global Strategic Trends Report (Sixth Edition)…n_1_.pdf

You can subscribe to Permanently Moved in itunes: or search in all your favourite podcatchers.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo

Dipping the stacks

5 Hour livestream of accelerationist experimental theory and politics. Well worth your time.

Decolonizers of the imaginary

The Ministry

I have a few ‘obligations’ coming up.

I’m in a bit of a holding patter to be honest, I cant give an excuse like I’m recovering form unsound or whatever.

But finally after a whole year of reconfiguring my life around things I want to do, things are finally starting to come together. I may not be talking about getting a job, but I do mean I’m about to move into a new phase of being me.

I’m about to do this huge push on writing. The podcast project (not permanently moved) has moved a few inches forward. And it’s looking increasingly likely that very soon in a few months or so, that I’m going to end up becoming a content production machine. With deadlines spread though-out the week etc. I’m looking forward to it. I’m actually thinking of doing the whole Patreon thing from day one. So I’m going to ride it and see where it goes.

Its always good to remember that old punk phrase i grew up with: “The reason you aren’t a sell out is because nobody is buying”


The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life: Before 8AM is complete crap. Don’t bother reading it. Knock it out of the hands of people who are.

This week I sat down and read the whole of Death’s End. It took me about 5 days cover to cover. It’s about 600 pages – A beast. But I am really glad that I finally got round to reading it, but sad that the experience is all over.

Now I’m reading RED MOON Fuck Yeah

I am about 1/4 of the way though so far. It’s really cool to be reading KSR in such a near future.


I’ve been listening to a lot of late 70’s electro recently. Love this Teardrop Explodes B-Side live performance.

Remember kids:


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One response to “The Future Starts Today”

  1. Ahmet A. Sabanci avatar

    Oh, I do read it weekly from my RSS reader. Hi!

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