Back from the Wedding

Last night was the launch of The Brazen Vessel 10 years of Collected Works from Alkistis Dimech ☩ Peter Grey of Scarlet Imprint at Treadwells.


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It’s been such a weird week. We got back from Benedict and Mina’s wedding on Tuesday afternoon. So I was wandering around on Wednesday thinking it was actually Monday, then Panicked and dove into the mountain of stuff I put on my list..

Here’s some gratuitous snaps from the Hagia Sophia for your eyeballs.

Virgin and Child
Dome of Heaven

Here’s John Romers 3 hour Byzantium Documentary.

Last night was the launch of The Brazen Vessel 10 years of Collected Works from Alkistis Dimech ☩ Peter Grey of Scarlet Imprint at Treadwells.

I forgot to take any photos at the event but here’s a snap of the paperback. I can’t wait to dig in. Especially their earlier writings.

Permanently Moved


[Media property name] isn’t your friend.

We need anti trust laws for culture. I take a dump on Disney, Marvel and Star Wars. Roll your own culture.

(Yes the podcast cover is my teenage bedroom)

You can subscribe to Permanently Moved in itunes: or search in all your favourite podcatchers.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo

Dipping the Stacks

History: “The Power of Trees” (1855) – SANDRA RENDGEN

Why are England’s roadsides blooming? – BBC News

The Afrofuturists with designs on African architecture | Financial Times

Heavy rain forces evacuation order for 800,000 in southwestern Japan

The Ministry

I’ve had some really interesting comments and feedback on the first 27 pages (10k words) of the meditation book. A lot to chew on.

Been working hard on the text for the first zine. Should be Ready to go in August at the latest.

Been talking with the folks at UCT (apodcastfornow). we’re doing a collab together.

The most important thing that happened this week tho:


I’ve been reading more Warhammer and A LOT of PDFs on UK public policy documents on land use this week. Nothing really to report.



This track is dark and square wavey as hell. I love the suction they have achieved on the kick drum. It feels like the billowing of a sail.

Remember kids:

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One response to “Back from the Wedding”

  1. […] much easier to understand the utter disaster that was the Star Wars reboots as writers and directors playing with kids toys and everyone else screaming ‘you’re […]

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