
Kaleidoscopic compass of speculative multispecies imaginaries.

3 minutes Blog header post 096

Kaleidoscopic compass of speculative multispecies imaginaries.

After writing on the Accelerationist political compasses last week I thought I’d make my own. The above is a kaleidoscopic compass of speculative multispecies imaginaries.

I made it with Dr Christoph Rupprecht from Doshisha & Kyoto University. Consider it an output from the “multi species cities” research stream his department have. (although he informs me ‘Meme’ is not a check box available to him in his system)

Of course it being made by the two of us, everything is footnoted in a document. Literally every square has two or more references to ideas, concepts, writers or thinkers in this space. I also threw in some Gordon White and M1k3y too obviously.

We’ve been thinking about maybe writing a whole essay together but I’m not sure.

Also Huw Lemmey had some nice words to say about Permanently Moved in his subscriber newsletter Utopian Drivel this week :

I would like to write more informally for this newsletter. I’m also thinking about doing a regular five minute podcast recorded outside, on location, which I might well release on this platform. If you have any thoughts about that, let me know — the idea comes partially from @thejaymo’s compelling podcast ‘301 – Permanently Moved’, a personal podcast 301 seconds in length. He writes, records and edits it every week in one hour, and following its development has been so interesting for me, its bitesize format allowing for short and punchy snippets of information.

I’m sure he won’t mind me saying that not every episode is for everyone, but they’re short enough that you listen anyway, following the ebb and flow of his intellectual life on a weekly basis. Having that constant this year has helped ground my own writing, but also I have noticed that I’m becoming a bit of a shut-in here in Barcelona (always a bad habit and function of my mental health), so perhaps a regular short podcast on life outside would, at the very least, be good for me. Stay tuned, and, in the meantime, do subscribe to Jay’s podcast. Three highlights for me have been:

[Media property name] isn’t your friend
Stella Maris

I had coffee with the artist Penny Goring in Kingston today. It was super good to meet her IRL finally despite living round the corner from her and knowing her online for nearly a decade.

Permanently Moved

Pretty pleased with this weeks show. A few folks have said that they were nodding along with the argument about the end of history and how purveyor of mass media culture can only continue to do so by fracking content from a time that it still existed.

Though I did make a whole podcast just because I thought of the word Webxit during the week. Also disappointed in the comic books media for not using it as a headline

Dipping the Stacks

Profile: Bob Kramer of Kramer Knives Is Just Getting Started • Gear Patrol

Dropping Out: Why and How? | Meta-Nomad

I Tried to Live Like Joe Rogan – The Atlantic

NYU professor Scott Galloway calls WeWork ‘WeWTF,’ slams bankers

The Ministry



Atomic habits was a little better than first impressions. Had some good ideas that I’m going to take with me.

Spear of the Emperor is hands down one of the best 40k novels. Not for beginners but if you know the universe the lore etc its fantastic.

I’ve finally started reading Dark Emu

I’m finally reading Dark Emu. And its fantastic.


Club music are great.

Also been listening to a lot of this new track by Fire-Toolz. It’s all over the place and extremely my shit.

Remember kids:

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2 responses to “Salvage/Rescue”

  1. […] Last weeks podcast was about ‘cultural fracking’ and how the purveyors and controllers of mass media culture can only continue to make money by fracking the past. Content from a time when mass culture still existed. As their business model relies on their audience being inside a shared reality or shared cultural grammar. […]

  2. […] is all very different indeed from the kind of cultural fracking that is going in Hollywood that i’ve talked about on the podcast […]

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