
Been feeling very optimistic and hopeful this week. Working hard and feeling creative.


3 minutes

One day when I’m not in the middle of a years long leap from one perilous ledge to another I will splash out on both Managed Hosting with my (excellent host) Dreamhost and for the Advanced Package with Libsyn.

The former because I had a plugin fail to upgrade on this blog earlier in the week. It was annoying and long to sort out. Then again thats what the term ‘webmaster’ is about. To have control over something, in my case – my website. It something important to me, as a stable base from which to work.

The advanced stats, simply because I’d like to know a little bit more about where it’s going once I hit upload. Its actually surprising how much some of the Youtubers I know shell out for analytics tools. Some of them have weapons grade marketing analytics suites quite early in their careers.
Its quite amazing to see how much data they have. A few folks I’ve worked with hasn’t so much been about stats etc. More about shaping strategy and plans for when/how they want to launch a physical project, merch, a book or whatever.

I could apply my own medicine to myself more, but I’m happy slowly building a webnest.

Lockdown Week 6

We a go at making one of them hipster Dalgona coffee’s this week. They worked out alright, and was delicious.

Dalgona Coffee

Would have looked better in the photo if I’d remembered to take a photo right away – instead of as a second thought.

It’s been really sunny round these parts so I’ve been sitting out in our garden on the new chairs quite a bit. Watching the Blue and Great tits in the grape blossom that grows over the back wall. Almost everything is blooming right now. It’s wonderful. Another few days and our roses will show themselves.

We spent 30mins out on the balcony last nite with our beers watching and waiting to see starlink. We saw them twinkling, all very strange, very cyberpunk. Eve was like “Grimes’ boyfriend put them there lol”

I’ve also been feeling very optimistic and hopeful this week. Working hard and feeling creative. Though this weeks podcast is on that subject(!) I would like to talk about that in more detail some time. When you wake up to yourself.

Permanently Moved

No Approval Needed


Iā€™ve always thought that living is a process of learning how to feel. Thereā€™s no point in chasing that feeling, you should spend the time learning how to feel it.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo


Huw had something nice to say about this episode:

Thanks mate!

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

The team I was working with rolling out Notion.So are basically all furloughed now. Still have support to do but a bulk of my time with them now is on pause. We rolled the whole thing out super fast, and remotely. They’ve really got in to the swing of it. Great stuff.

I always keep timesheets for freelance work and stuff, but for the last few weeks I have started keeping track of everything. It’s become really motivating. Glad I’m doing that. As its helping me plan and block out areas instead of letting everything blur into one long continue work/get/distracted loop.

Might have some sales pipeline review work at some point next week. Lets see.

Dipping the Stacks

The one about wantable futures – Salmon Theory (Interview with Jay Owens)

Paris To Create 650 Kilometers Of Post-Lockdown Cycleways

Pandemic has companies dropping earnings guidance (Finally)

A Theory of Zoom Fatigue – The Convivial Society


Still reading  How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell. Its great.


One of my favourites from unsound a few years back Iglooghost has a new single out. Wonderful

Remember Kids:

Never have I felt so seen by a meme.

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