Weeks Fly By

The week has flown by. Everything is still terrible, but at this point in the year it feels like were accelerating already towards winter.


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The week has flown by. Everything is still terrible, but at this point in the year it feels like were accelerating already towards winter. I went back to Kent to see my parents for my Birthday. They got me an amazing vegan birthday cake.

We went for multiple walks around the coast. The weather was lovely.

In all honesty. The thing I miss the most about living in London and not back on the chalk is the opportunity to see the horizon everyday.

When you live in a city and just see buildings in the distance theres a sense that there is no escape. That the world just goes on and on.

There is something very final about being able to see the ‘edge of the earth’ or maybe the ‘end of the world’. A line drawn literally across ones vision that marks the end of things. It makes me feel better. Very grounding.

In other news I made another demotivational meme. As with the last one I made I suspect it’ll be a slow burn around the web.

I might get some prints made if anyone is interested?

Permanently Moved

Past Years / New Gear


Mid year goal reviews, New Gear, Broken Gear and Two Recommendations. 

TSASE: https://tossedsaladsandscrambledeggs.substack.com/
This is Fine: https://newdesigncongress.org/en/pub/this-is-fine/

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo

Website: https://www.thejaymo.net/
Podcast: http://permanentlymoved.online
Zine: http://startselectreset.com

Update From The Island

Here’s some snaps of the Island as you come in to land

Eve spent one evening this week working by our museum. She created a nice little photo spot.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

*sad trombone plays*

Dipping the Stacks

The Whispered Spell of the Clavichord | The New Yorker

Why America Feels Like a Post-Soviet State | The New Yorker

Future farming. How migrants can help Italian cuisine adjust to climate disruptions – We Make Money Not Art

Liberal England: A poem from Lucy Furlong’s The Sward


As mentioned last week I got the Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Collectors Edition Rulebook for my birthday. It arrived on Monday.

As an object its wonderful. Might do a review.



Remember Kids:

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One response to “Weeks Fly By”

  1. Ahmet A. Sabanci avatar

    I’d love a print of that hanging in my office. And if I was going out to graffiti like I used to do, I’d mass print that. ?

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