Intelligent Auto Mode

Work has restarted on a few bits a pieces but I’m still largely AFK.


5 minutes

I got back from the chalk earlier this week. I took my Sony ZV-1 home to play with whilst I was there and below is one of the best shots of the sea I managed to get.

I was shooting in ‘Intelligent auto’ mode.

But to be honest I need to be the one in ‘Intelligent auto mode’ rather than the camera.

For a decade I’ve been shooting in aperture priority on my Nikon DSLR. Sony’s menu’s seem to be really Byzantine, but I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.

I also suspect the camera was using some of the optimal settings I’d set for using it as a fixed webcam. So the first step soon is to figure out how to set up profiles etc – which might be a bit of a project.

Also whilst I was at home (As I haven’t had multiple hernias), I went with my Dad to help him put up the beach hut. At 9.30am there wasn’t another soul around (photo below taken from the roof of the hut).

Up on the clifftop it was a freezing 3 degrees plus a punishing north wind. But down on the sands in a sheltered corner in full sunshine it was so warm! I was just in a thin jumper – Having shed coat, scarf, hat, other jumper and my gloves.

After a week fully AFK and a month into being off Twitter (with the exception of posting 301 and checking for DM’s every few days). Since I’ve been back I’ve found myself turning off WIFi on my laptop when I sit down to do work. It just seems natural and … appropriate?

I’ve also noticed that I’m working in full screen a lot more which seems to help focus on the task at hand.

Turning on WiFi once I’m done means all the missed chat notifications arrive at once. I’ve been clearing them straight away then doing periscope down for the next round of work.

Not sure where all this is headed. A better relationship to the wider world/web I hope.

Permanently Moved

Kennings & Orbit Words

Reject the social media literalism that flattens ideas with a label or a name. 
Let’s dance around the edges of ideas to know them better.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

Work has restarted on a few bits a pieces since I got back from Kent but I’m still largely AFK. I haven’t finished any proper work yet.

Got a few things to announce/post on the blog soon.

Dipping the Stacks

The Devil Rides Out: The Peak of Hammer – YouTube

At first glance, The Devil Rides Out seems quintessential Hammer Horror, and yet, in many ways, it is thoroughly atypical.

Fake Deepfake: Experts Weigh in on Colorado Cheerleading Scandal

Experts are raising doubts that artificial intelligence was used to create a video that police are calling a “deepfake” and is at the center of an ongoing legal battle playing out in Pennsylvania.

Will EA learn from the terrible Dungeon Keeper mobile game? •

For many, the Dungeon Keeper reboot was yet another depressing example of a treasured game ruined by greedy corporations and their money-grabbing microtransactions.

The Roaring 2020s – Chris Skinner’s blog

The key to this decade a century ago was the overhang of the First World War. Yes, America saw booming decadence, which led to the prohibition, but some countries suffered badly as many men died in the war and, for some countries, a huge four-year period of contraction occurred. In fact, it lasted longer than this, as people were risk-averse post-war.

How We Discovered Google’s Social Justice Blocklist for YouTube Ad Placements – The Markup

Our investigation did not focus on demonetization but rather on apparent steps taken by Google to prevent advertisers from deliberately placing ads on YouTube videos the company finds are related to certain words and phrases.


Unusually, I haven’t finished reading any books this week. I started listening to The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West by Tom Holland. It’s 15hours long or something and I’m only listening to it in the evening when I’m doing the washing up etc. So I think it’s going to take a while. I must admit, its far more readable (listenable) than the 35h slog fest that was Heart of Europe A History of the Holy Roman Empire by Peter H. Wilson which I listened to on my commute back in 2017.

But then again having a rough memory of all the main ‘characters’ and factions of the period from Heart of Europe It may be that I feel more situated now in this part of European history. Or, Holland is just a much better writer.

Music Spotify Playlist 

Łaszewo – I Feel Gold

Really like this song by Łaszewo. It’s a wonderful example of building a really solid tune/track from a simple set of building blocks. The melody, the build up, the development of the drum sounds, the opening up of the envelopes on on the synths as the song progresses. The drop and flowering of the instruments during the middle 8 etc.

I could go though this track and talk about what I like about it every 16 bars or so. Really really nice. Plus it has the best opening line of a song I’ve heard in a long time.

Forests – Kawaii Hawaii

I’ve Just discovered Forests. And have been listening to their 2019 album “spending eternity in a Japanese convenience store“. They are Singapore but to my ear they could also be from 2003.

Forests seem to be very much riding the Oldschool Emo revival spearheaded by Algernon Cadwallader etc. I

ts got mathy guitar, huge singalongs, all delivered with tongue in cheek lyrics and a wry smile.

Love this album. Midwest emo at its best.

When I was 17 I would have fucking loved this album.

Remember Kids:

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One response to “Intelligent Auto Mode”

  1. […] been a minute since I last listened to Forests. Singapore based midwest emo lads Forests have followed up 2019’s “spending eternity in a […]

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