Sun’s Out

I can’t believe its July already. The weeks and months are absolutely flying by at warp speed. Where has the year gone?


3 minutes

I can’t believe its July already. The weeks and months are absolutely flying by at warp speed. This year has a completely different quality of time dilation than last year?

We went out for lunch by the river with Eve’s Mum on a week day. It was super nice to sit in the sunshine by the river having drinks for a few hours. It was super peaceful. We watched the swans, geese, and occasional paddle boarder go up and down the river and just chatted and caught up.

So glad the suns out.

I currently have a fully free calendar. It’s a little daunting not to have anything in, but its been a good year so far, which means I can (for a while) burn through all the list of things I want to do/ideas I’ve had.

I tweeted about collabing with people during the week and a few people replied so thats cool too.

I’m looking forward to the summer.

Permanently Moved

The Hybrid / Hyper Reality of Worlds

A conversation with Paul Czege, RPGs, Worlding worlds, and the experiences and memories that we acquire in them.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

Dipping the Stacks

Hayao Miyazaki X Akira Kurosawa: Part 1 – YouTube

Two legendary filmmakers in Japan meet each other for the first time.

25 Days of Quitting Twitter :: Cheri’s Hypertext Monster

The only thoughts in my head are the ones I consented to!

Hollywood is Disguising the Results of Its TV Shows and Movies – Bloomberg

We are entering a world where it is getting harder and harder to determine what is popular, and what is not.

On leaving California and the Silicon Valley | Bart Wronski

It’s kinda disappointing when a “friend” of yours invites you “for socializing and catching up” and then turns it into a job or startup pitch.

I personally find it toxic.

Kotaku’s new editor-in-chief Patricia Hernandez has a vision

To properly showcase video game culture, it’s necessary to talk about our digital lives more broadly. We live in a world where your exercise bike has a leaderboard, and language apps have daily challenges. Maintaining anyone’s attention now necessitates treating platforms, their algorithms, and their functions like systems that can be gamed and won. Games provide a crucial framework for parsing modern life, and Kotaku will now be an attempt to capture that.


I haven’t finished reading anything this week 🙁

Still reading one ‘The Anthology of English Folk Tales‘ story a night, reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad in the mornings, and noodeling page by page on Building Imaginary Worlds: The Theory and History of Subcreation.

Music Spotify Playlist

Heavy Temple – Lupi Amoris

I can’t belive I haven’t mentioned Heavy Temple on the blog! 2017’s Chassit was one of my favourite albums.

HT are probably best described as a three piece stoner rock/doom metal/sludge/fuzz band. Their songs find a rocking groove and just sit in it. Lupi Amoris is probably the best produced album yet from Heavy Temple. The drums sound massive, despite how big the guitar is in the mix.

I’ve embedded the song ‘The Wolf’ below, it has some sabbath vibes in places. The riff is just so damn big you can’t help make the ‘heavy riff appreciator face’. Also recommend the song ‘The Maiden’ which ‘The Wolf’ bleeds into. The song is built around a galloping baseline and a high hat rhythm that is reminiscent of … you guessed it .. Iron Maiden lol.

Remember Kids:

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