Yeah, That Badge I Wear

Further to yesterdays podcast on the “Friend to All Nations” tragedy. I’ve been shelpping a bag of assorted 1″ buttons from a gig 13 years ago.


4 minutes

Further to yesterdays podcast on the “Friend to All Nations” tragedy.

I’d like to add that in 2008 I helped organised a DIY hardcore punk all dayer back in Margate to raise funds for the RNLI. It was called “Friend to All Nations”.

Such is life when you help run an event like this; for the best part of a decade I’ve been shelpping a bag of assorted 1″ button badges from the gig whenever I’ve moved house. I’ve been wearing one of the variants of these badges on hats, hoodies, coats or whatever – forever.

Here’s a snap of one of my hats:

Image of a button badge reading 'Friend to all nations' in an iron maiden font

I’ve been asked about the phrase a number of times. I always respond that it’s the name of a Lifeboat and about support for migrants and refugees rights – and that people in immediate need should be treated with dignity.

Somewhere under the stairs I have a Giclée poster print from the festival. I’d love to show you a photo of it because it’s rad as hell. It has a kraken swallowing a tall ship, a storm, lighting and the names of all the bands that played. But, alas its wrapped up with other picture frames in newspaper and clingfilm, and I know some of them are broken. SO I’m not in the mood to go spelunking amidst shards of glass for it.

Instead, here’s a photo from the gig. My buddy Ian in his old emo band “Call Off the Search”. Linked is a music video which you might remember from back in the days when people still watched Kerrang.

“Friend to All Nations” is a phrase really does mean a lot to me. It’s not just the name of a boat. It’s an instruction in how to act.

I wrote a whole bunch of short observations and thoughts on things that are ‘happening in the world’ but it got rather long. I might make it a regular thing, I’ll post the first one this week coming.

I’m also slowly shedding the covid brain fog. “ideas and original thoughts” are creeping back in to my awareness. But I’m really run down and got some Crohn’s complications. Luckily i’m seeing my GI consultant on Thursday.

Permanently Moved

Friend to All Nations

The Lifeboat Service is one of the UK’s only institutions that embodies the notion of the Moral Good.
I talk about Margate’s Great Storm of 1897, the culture war, and a statues influence on my life.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Had several really interesting work calls this week.
  • Had an interview with a journalist about Solarpunk and its history.
  • Fell down a co research rabbit hole with a colleague looking at the original of the SCP universe/fandom.
    • We also added ton of stuff to our Blaseball fandom mechanics notion page
  • Wrote some fiction! dun dun duurrr.

Dipping the Stacks

I, Token – by Brett Scott – Altered States of Monetary Consciousness

These numbers do not point to anything beyond themselves, which means that in the Bitcoin world the numbers are numerical nouns. 

Satanic Panics and the Death of Mythos ❧ Current Affairs

Being alive has perhaps never been more confusing, especially because we have lost the tool that might help us make sense of it all.

How Do We Know What Neanderthals Looked Like?

Ongoing research has given us a more nuanced portrait of our extinct relatives, barrel chests and all.

Our World Is Dying Because We Don’t Value Un-Making Things – by Caitlin Johnstone – Caitlin’s Newsletter

Whenever I say this I get a bunch of capitalism cultists bleating “You just don’t understand economics bruh,” which is the line they’ve been trained to say to anyone they see criticizing capitalism. 

No one makes a living on Patreon | The Outline

2%: The percentage of Patreon creators who earn more than the federal minimum wage through the site, according to public earnings data.


Got some bargain books off eBay! Less than £10 for both. <3

The one on the left was £3.50 including postage. It’s mint. £25 RRP on Ama-scam. The hardback on the right is ex libris, withdrawn. It was about £4.50 with postage. It’s really well loved and judging the points where the spine naturally falls, this book spent many years assisting parents to make hand and sock puppets.

Music Spotify Playlist

Dolly Parton – Sent From Above

So Dolly has a new single out. It is wall to wall 80’s synthwave revival. It also has a bunch of production in it that remind me of Vin Diesel’s synthwave banger from last year.

I should also note that Parton has a perfume called ‘Scent From Above‘ :-/ that came out earlier this year. lol

Here’s a bonus video of someone playing a washboard tie! How cool.

Beat Rita [Musical Instrument] Hembra -Jesse Cook & Juan Medrano ‘Washboard Tie’ 

You can tell I was deep down the youtube hole as it only has 616 views. 2 of them are mine.

Remember Kids:

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