Mostly Inside

Today I went up into town from Streatham to meet some folks in Covent Garden for breakfast/brunch.


6 minutes

I’ve been mostly inside this week. But I went out on Friday and had drinks with the guys in the band. Really nice to see them and hang out, outside the practice room.

I finally looked into sorting out the pain I’ve been experiencing in my wrist. Turns out I have tendonitis from v.poor posture using my laptop trackpad for 18 months whilst stuck inside during the pandemic. I’ve been doing a set of exercises everyday, including this one with a rubber band.

OMG its amazing. the sharp pain in my write has almost disappeared already. It means I can now do some of the other exercises including walking around on all fours, without any pain.

Should have looked into this way earlier. Like a year ago or something.

I was eligible for a pair of Bose NC 700’s as part of my Pixel 6 pre-order from the Google store.

They arrived this week. They are alright?

I’ve never owned a pair of Bluetooth headphones before (this has been a source of bafflement for Eve for a long long time), and its been at least a decade since I’ve owned a pair of headphones with noise cancellation (I used to have some very early noise cancelling ear buds from Sennheiser that required a rechargeable AAA battery. It was so long ago that I used to use them with my Sony tape walkman lol. They also broke a lot). Cranking the NC settings up to 10 on these Bose 700’s feels a little aggressive. Like I’m underwater or something. But I’m really pleased with them, especially for the price of ‘free’. Sitting on the tube earlier today I was really impressed how just how clear they managed to keep the podcast I was listening to.

Yesterday I went to a 1 year olds birthday party and ate loads of jelly and cake. I also got really prosecco which I don’t think is a usual first birthday party thing? But anyways I had fun lol.

It was lovely to see everyone all in one place for the first time since 2019.

Today, I went straight into town from Streatham to meet some folks in Covent Garden for breakfast/brunch. I was there a bit early so walked around. Really weird to see all the Christmas stuff in the brilliant morning sunshine, but I enjoyed the novelty. There was literally no one about. I was the only person in the apple market at 9.30 this morning.

I’ve been messing about with the Pixel 6’s long exposure settings. I’ve been kinda underwhelmed by some of the photos it’s produced in all honestly. But its also not a DSLR, so I’m not quite sure what I should be expecting.

I took this photo at Tooting Bec this morning and it turned out alright?

Permanently Moved

St Edmund the Martyr

In preparation for the rootlessness of England post Union. St Edmund should be retrieved from deep cultural memory.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Working on the essay for Solarpunk magazine issue #1.
  • Couple of really good work calls
  • Spreadsheetin’ for a small publisher

Dipping the Stacks

How Pinterest utterly ruined photo search on the internet

The social media site is the bane of non-users’ lives, hijacking image search results with a pushy sign-up screen. It needs to stop.

Is Culture Stuck? – by Paul Skallas – The Lindy Newsletter

Culture is no longer made. It is simply curated from existing culture, refined, and regurgitated back at us. The algorithms cut off the possibility of new discovery.

 A Good Newsletter Exit Strategy Is Hard to Find | Vanity Fair

For anyone looking to get out of the game without an Atlantic–sized landing pad—or who hasn’t quite budgeted for the possibility of issuing subscription refunds—the cost of quitting might well be prohibitive.

Primate Freedom: Invasive Species

Change is the one constant feature of all ecosystems. People fret because things don’t stay the same, but they never do. In all cases, populations are self-limiting; unchecked, they will run out of space and or food, and the population will crash. Over time, new species will colonize new territory, ecosystems will change, sometimes dramatically. 

Digital acting troupe brings Shakespeare’s Macbeth to life in Fallout 76 | PC Gamer

I imagine it’s quite the undertaking to produce, perform, and record a play like Macbeth, even with an adapted (and shortened) script… The Theatre Company is currently working on staging The Nutcracker at a recreated version of the Bolshoi for the holidays.


Any time not at my computer this week has been spent reading. This week I read 2 whole books and finished a 2 more.

I read Wolftime by Gav Thorpe, the third book in the ‘Dawn of Fire’ series set in the Warhammer 40k universe post 8th edition world changes. Slow moving political novel with a hero’s journey threaded throughout. Really well done.

I read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. Really good book on productivity and time management. Really good book. Very reminiscent of How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell.

I finished The Wood Age by Roland Ennos. A very interesting lens though which to look at the history of humanity.

I finally finished reading The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. A really interesting peek into the life and mind of Tolkien. Plenty in there about world building or ‘subcreation’ as he called it. I’m really glad I read it.

Music Spotify Playlist

There’s only one thing to talk about this week, everyone is listening to it, and talking about it it seems:

Bloodmoon: I by Converge & Chelsea Wolfe

Hot damn, what a collaboration. The album also features writing and contributions of Stephen Brodsky from Cave In.

Bloodmoon has to be the best thing Converge has done in years. It’s fully of surprises and a real collaboration rather than a mash up of two artists. Sonically Converge move into areas they haven’t touched on before and do them extremely well, and yet the whole album sounds like its a product of Converge. As elder statesmen in heavy music at this point and I can’t be happier to have this album in my earholes. Seeing them 3 nights in a row in 2007(?) seems like a very long time ago now, moth musically, but also in time.

Bloodmoon might be one of the albums of the year for sure.

Remember Kids:

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  1. […] written about the pain in my wrist a few times […]

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