Busy Week

I think its its busiest week I’ve had since before the pandemic?

5 minutes

So late! If you are subscribed to thejaymo.net you’ll know I already posted the podcast a few hours ago. I’m sorry for two posts in one day. But not posting a podcast and my weeknotes would break the chain thats been running since 2018. Can’t have that.

I’ve had a pretty busy week. I think its its busiest week I’ve had since before the pandemic?

On Tuesday I had band practice.

We’re playing a gig at the Lamb in Surbiton on the 23rd of June – if you live in south London. Come on down!

On Wednesday I had tutorials with the students in Camberwell. After that I had a couple of drinks and went to Studio Voltaire for the launch of Bad Gays:A Homosexual History.

It was a fantastic evening. Really good to see Huw! So proud of the Bag Gays Podcast, and the book. I saw so many friends at the launch – too many to mention here – but they all have a lot going on. So I’ll do some PR for them soon! I had such a lovely evening. So nice to see folks I haven’t seen IRL since 2019!

Friday was another Bad Gays event at Foyels in Changing Cross. Shon Faye was the guest and chair for the evening. Before the event I met with Alex from Common Knowledge. We speak almost every day on web chat, but I haven’t seen him IRL since 2019. We ended up meeting along Southbank and then walking though all the Jubilee madness up to oxford circus where we started drinking.

We talked about Orthodoxy …. a lot.

Then we met his good wife T and went to Foyels. More friends were in the audience there too!

I’ll admit, I got pretty hammered after the event in SoHo and got the last train home.

Saturday was spent feeling a little ‘slow’. I had chills and felt like my bones were aching. One LFT later and I deffo didn’t have Covid (again). But I did realise/remember I hadn’t taken an anti-histamine, so maybe I was just poisoned by the outside.

This morning I recorded my podcast and put that out – only took 1.5 hours to edit today!

Then I went to the Lamb (where my band is playing a gig on the 23rd of June – did I mention this?) to see my bandmates play in their bluegrass band The 105 for Lambstock.

It was nice! Now I’m at home, four beers later, trying to write a blogpost at bed time.


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Permanently Moved


Saying ‘Someone has brainworms‘, is a recognition that an individual is behaving in a way not congruent with dominant cultural logics.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Teaching at Camberwell
  • Did the deep dive into scrivener, laying the ground work for a big writing push
  • Calls with a few Web3 folks all building Wind-Up Worlds

Dipping the Stacks

Martin Lewis faces up to a world he can no longer fix | The Economist

As inflation soars, Britain’s money-saving guru calls for government intervention

MetaFilter’s rule-laden mini-utopia

This week, we take a closer look at MetaFilter, a very old online forum that’s an exceedingly pleasant place to spend time online, with really high-quality content.

The Cathedral Vs. The Orthodox Church – The American Conservative

This is a biased article, even by NPR’s standards. Reporter Odette Yousef begins by talking about right-wing converts to ROCOR (the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia — the exile church, though it reconciled in recent years with the Moscow Patriarchate) in a single West Virginia congregation.

White People Love Calling Other White People “White People”

A Twitter user in the throes of political grandstanding would invoke the “whiteness” of a particular individual or group whose politics or behavior they found objectionable, with a kind of self-satisfied flourish that suggested they believed they had delivered a knockout rhetorical blow.

Garments of Grass and Flowers Fuse Jeanne Simmons’s Body to the Landscape | Colossal

After gathering natural materials like branches, wild vegetables, and bark, Simmons constructs garments that intertwine her own body and those of others with the landscape and obscure the distinction between the two.


I finished Daemon by Daniel Suarez. Its a really long book!!! This 2006 novel has already shot into my top 5 cyberpunk books of all time. It’s honestly bang on. the near future Suarez was imagining in 2006 is *now*.

Still reading The Elusive Shift by Jon Peterson. Game Studies Study Buddies did a podcast on the book recently so I want to finish it before I listen to their report.

I finished up Good Prose by Tracy Kidder and Richard Todd. Really good book. So interesting. Very helpful. especially the chapter on essay writing.


thejaymo.net Spotify Playlist

Texas Moon by Khruangbin

Paul, the singer and guitarist in my band referenced Khruangbin at band practice this week. Telling me to listen to their baselines and get some inspiration for a section of a song we’re working on. So I’ve been listening to this this week as ‘homework’.

Khruangbin are a psych/soul/folk band. Its hard to pin them down, as each song seems to cross several genres. There’s reverb soaked guitars, falsetto soul vocals, goovey R&B drums, the two EPs, Texas Sun, and Texas Moon are all over the place musically – but in a good way.

The two main musical references I have for the twin Texas EPs are

1. Emerson Brothers

2. This is what I imagine a road trip though the American Mid West should sound like.

Remember Kids:

I dunno about this poster. They all look fucking bad ass to me.

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