Start Select Reset Zine – Six Short Things

Start Select Reset Zine shipped today! Issue #004 is a per-zine containing short fragments, image macros, and black and white photography.


1 minute

Issue #004 of Start Select Reset Zine went out today via sail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!

This issue is a per-zine containing short fragments, image macros, and black and white photography. It’s a very personal document that captures where I am in winter 2022.

I documented ‘the making of’ on my Tumblr if your interested.

If you would like to subscribe to the Zine use to buttons below.

£5 a Month

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Like paying £1.15 a week but only once a month

£100 a Year

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Like paying £1.90 a week but only once a year

Big thanks again to all my paid supporters. Without you none of the online endeavour known as is possible.

Issue #005 will ship first week in March ’23

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4 responses to “Start Select Reset Zine – Six Short Things”

  1. […] following image is a page from my most recent zine – posted to paid supporters in Dec. If you’d like to join the mailing list head over to […]

  2. […] who?’ energy. Zine subscribers will know I had ‘It’s Now or Never’ in the most recent issue. All three aphorisms are a good way of describing the process of rebooting the […]

  3. […] a blog, build a website, write a newsletter, start a podcast, do whatever. Just do it on your own […]

  4. […] So the project that has been prioritised is the one which will allow me to learn basic Affinity Publisher skills and practice them regularly. Which incase you are wondering, is re-designing/settling on a consistent design for my zine. (I have 3 copies left of issue #004 btw). […]

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