Start Select Reset Zine – How Are Things?

Issue #005 of Zine Start Select Reset went out yesterday via sail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!


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Issue #005 of Zine Start Select Reset went out yesterday via sail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!

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This issue marks end of the first year of publishing the zine. It’s been fun to experiment with the medium, asking my self what can I do with a single page of A4?

I’ve got a good idea now of which elements of each issue I’ve liked and what I haven’t.

From issue #006 Start Select Reset Zine is going to move to a fixed format/layout/fold pattern which will combine all the best bits of previous issues.

The goal is to combine ‘newsletter’ feel with ‘magazine’ feel.

It will also be a good excuse to flex the grey matter and learn Affinity Publisher. I did the layout for this issue (#005) in it, and found the learning curve not too steep. But I will note that once you want to move beyond ‘billy basic’ layout stuff the menus become a sea of complexity – which I’ll need to get to grips with.

Posting Stuff Is Fun!

I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s a ‘thrill’ to use a post box – as that would be an insane thing to say. But it is super fun to make something, put it in an envelope, stick a stamp on it and put it in the post.

Hopefully my subscribers think it’s just as cool to receive something *real* in the post as I think it is to send something real.

With Web2 social media where it is in 2023, my initial motivation for starting a zine for still holds.

I’m starting a physical zine, a physical newsletter, in 2022 because I belive thats where I belive real value is.

As our culture moves / trends towards ever greater levels of abstraction, making and sending real things to real people is the way forward.

By becoming a paid supporter, you are paying for the zine/newsletter and will help keep my weekly podcast and blog free.

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