
  • #TTW16 abstract

    PHEW. So for the second time in 2 years I just submitted my extract/talk proposal to the theorizingtheweb conference that takes place in April in New York . The Abstract is reproduced in full below. Even if I am unsuccessful, the same as I said 2 years ago I think the piece is a useful early 2016 β€˜flag…

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  • its been busy!

    its been busy!

    the main news is probably that grew a beard, went to florence, shaved it off again. in addition i’ve done a whole bunch of talks and workshops, this is my talk on β€˜seeing the stack’ at the #stacktivism unconference in july. i also spoke more generally about infrastructure, SCIM and other stuff at the CRESC…

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  • auto-tune the muse


    comparing auto-tune to instagram is problematic for me as the two are associated with different mediums and the two are not completly analogous. so we can only really speak in aesthetic subjective terms. by ragesoss (own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via wikimedia commons there is an important difference between the way an instagram filter is applied…

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  • programmable robots are now cheaper than human beings

    :: this is a lazy video dump/post with a few thoughts from me trying to pull them together. it is public thinking. feedback welcome :: meet baxter – the robot with common sense who’s younger siblings will probably make 100m chinese workers unemployed. he might look a bit stupid & slow now, and im also…

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