February 2018

  • A strange sort of collapse

    A strange sort of collapse

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    Let nothing disturb you,Let nothing frighten you,All things are passing away:God never changes.Patience obtains all thingsWhoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices. — St. Teresa of Avila Narrative I walk from Bank down Bishopsgate. A man shouts ‘Standard’ over and over. I wonder if he’s an NPC: street dressing in the simulation. Though the new…

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  • Eternity can be found in the minuscule…

    Eternity can be found in the minuscule…


    ….in the place where earthworms, along with billions of unseen soil-dwelling microorganisms, engage in a complex and little-understood dance with the tangle of plant roots that make up their gardens, their cities.”― Amy Stewart, The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms Narrative Despite all the stuff I’ve been up to so far this…

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  • Every mile is two in winter

    Every mile is two in winter

    β€œGood words are worth much, and cost little.”  ― George Herbert Narrative I think I’m going to move my post day to Saturday. Fridays is getting busier as the day I have to go in to London. It’s also the reason I’ve spent most of today hung over. I’ve spent the week grazing on the…

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  • EndSerenading


    Recovery from last week continues. A birthday and building of flatpack furniture.

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