
  • its been busy!

    its been busy!

    the main news is probably that grew a beard, went to florence, shaved it off again. in addition i’ve done a whole bunch of talks and workshops, this is my talk on β€˜seeing the stack’ at the #stacktivism unconference in july. i also spoke more generally about infrastructure, SCIM and other stuff at the CRESC…

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  • next weekend 20/21 april 2013 – things happening

    Sunday 21st – New Luddism :: Immaterial Labour Isn’t Working: Digital Culture, Digital Work, Digital Insurrection. Immaterial Labour Isn’t Working is a series of talks, workshops, texts and online contributions from key voices – artists, activists, technologists and writers – examining how digital technology is changing our political selves. i will be speaking on the…

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  • two thousand & twelve

    two thousand & twelve


    the last few years i have done an end of year roundup thing on twitter. but it’s been a bit of a crazy year, so i wanted to document it somewhere a bit more concrete. Contents :: edgeryders :::: the thought menu :::: :::: / scim :::: zine :::: i bought no…

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  • young mechanical turks

    young mechanical turks

    so it appears i completely failed at blogging every week but ah well. i’ve been super busy. at the thoughtmenu in july we were lucky enough to have james bridle speak at the second event where he gave a brief talk introducing the idea of ‘Young Mecanical Turks’ due to our 10min talk rule he…

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