Learn how to feel

You do not know what the fuck is going on. Your job is to be absolutely certain that you have no idea what the fuck is going on.

4 minutes
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I’ve be absolutely fascinated by various subcultural bloggers, thinkers and writers that are attempting to explain ‘what the fuck is going on’ recently. I’ve found myself pingponging around the occult blog world, conspiracy theory, nrx, accelerationism, anthropology and botany, to name a few places.

The most interesting of the writers have a number of things in common.

  1. They all come from outside of the academy.
  2. They operate from large macro discussions around society, history etc first.
  3. Some of them re-describe concepts from other subcultures and it isn’t clear that they have any cross pollination.
  4. Shady backchannel group telegrams, discords and slacks are full of women critiquing the loudest male voices in productive ways. (you will see many blogs that will say ‘I was talking with my friend X about something blah blah blah’)

A few friends have asked me to do a series as part of permanently moved called ‘Da Fuk’ where I attempt to summarise and compare various ideas across stuff I’ve been reading. I might just do that.

The first episode would begin with the most important element that almost all the writers and thinkers seem to hold in common. It relates to the fake news plague. But also questions of Truth in todays society and that I would summarise (and agree with) as:

You do not know what the fuck is going on.
Your job is to be absolutely certain that you have no idea what the fuck is going on.
And from that raw chaos, that raw uncertainty.. as a default state of being.
Learn how to feel.
How to move forward and act in the world

Learn how to feel

These are my words, but its also how I have lived my life for a while. Its interesting. No wonder why as a macro cultural trend theres a shift towards personal responsibility. Classical virtues, Ethics and Seneca etc

In other news I went for dinner with two of my old bosses, and it was AMAZING.

In other other news. Going to the pub in 2018 is Sci-fi as FUCK

Permanently Moved

Thinking out loud about Genius Loci, Kitchens, Workshops, Desks, Mise en place and Knolling.

Please, like subscribe and share!

Dipping the stacks

Fertilizer destroys plant microbiome’s ability to protect against disease


The politics of Listening


The Ministry

By the end of today a short story i’ve been writing with a *real* sci-fi writer should be finished. We have till Wednesday to submit it to the anthology. Its been eye opening working with someone who can actually write. I’m really happy that they wanted to co-write something with me. The benefits of some of the travel i’ve done this year.

A lot of story edits have been done as we have gone a long which i wasn’t expecting. Whole segments ripped out and moved to different characters etc. A sketched out 90 word plot at the top of the document has ballooned to the target 8k words since July 27th.

TFW you see your words get re-written doe. Co writing for me seems to be less harsh emotionally that overzealous editing but still.

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I finished re-reading all four Scott Westerfield books in less than two weeks. They are such an easy read. Well paced etc too. I remember i used to recommend it as a sci fi series to old greybeard sci-fi fans over a decade ago when I worked in a huge bookshop leading them up to the YA section. They would balk at the covers but eventually come in and buy the whole set.

Finally reading How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human. I kinda already know what its going to say as its such a seminal text, but finally reading the source text. Every other paragraph is blowing my mind.


Man Child on repeat. All fucking week. Hang Up Your Hang Ups is one of the best tracks ever written. I sometimes take a break and listen to Head Hunters but the track Chameleon just gives me horrible flashbacks to being in an orchestra at secondary school and all the insufferable people who were in the Jazz band.

Remember Kids:


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  1. […] Amongst the madness the only thing I am absolutely certain of is that I have absolutely no fucking i… […]

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