Excess Salt

I caught up with some friends who i haven’t seen in a while, and also with my brother who is about to start a grand year long adventure abroad.


4 minutes
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So. It’s Saturday 10 November, I’m just sat on a train on my back to the chalk for a night.

I’m going to the remembrance day service tomorrow to close out the book on my great grandfather (who you will remember) i went to his grave in Belgium earlier this year and made a little podcast about it.

Also this week I caught up with some friends who i haven’t seen in a while, and also with my brother who is about to start a grand year long adventure abroad. I’ll see he leaves about Christmas, but in the mean time he’s all over the uk in Manchester, Edinburgh etc having a nice time.

Permanently Moved

Episode 29 – Remove Excess Salt

It’s just an angry rant about having an opinion on gammons. You don’t have to bother listening to this episode – I’m not pleased with it.

You can subscribe to Permanently Moved in itunes: permanentlymoved.online/itunes or search in all your favourite podcatchers.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo

I really am not very happy with the podcast this week. Both with its content and execution. I didn’t have a hook or a topic when I started which hasn’t been the case since i started marking like 25 weeks ago – ish.

It is an interesting that this week I experienced the feeling of ‘knowing you can put something out and not like it at all’ but nevertheless you hit publish and it’s out there in the world.’

I actually feel really good about the fact i did that, even if the episode itself i think its meh. I’m going to be really focusing some reflection time in on this for the week.

Dipping the stacks

Meet the Plantfluencers – The New York Times

Nick Land’s Philosophy of Capital is Anti-Capitalist (3: Value Questions) – DI Research Zone 22

Steve Reich Talks About His First Orchestral Work in 30 Years – The New York Times

The Ministry

I watched this video by one of the elder statesman of the youtubes this week:

What he is describing in the episode is something I have actively been resisting for the last year or so. Turning my life in to a job, or perhaps turning my whole life into executing on a mission. I know i could do it and that scares me – a lot.

This isn’t about going freelance etc, it’s about turning my life into one long execution schedule. If i wanted to, I could flip the mind set switch and just do it i suppose. Combine everything i want to do with my life into one driven experience of my life, unfolding in the direction i want it to head in.

One of the reasons i have been nervous about this i think is because i have always kept work/job seperate from life/liberty. Being able to say ‘it’s just a job’ is something that has given me enormous amounts of consolation throughout my career. Taking this distinction away petrifies me.

On the other hand. One of the other mental hoops i like to jump myself though is im doing X in order to execute on Y. So X is obviously worth it. Running events, skill acquisition etc.

Time is running out on if i want keep work separate and go back to the ‘day job’ or embrace the mission and start a ‘job day’


I started reading Thin Air the new richard k morgan book but put it down again as the time isn’t right for me to read it yet i don’t think. Especially not during Nanowrimo where my head is full of other things.

I did however pre-order the new version of the Odyssey by Emily Wilson on Audible and that should auto download in the middle of next week. Im looking forward to listening to it tbh.


I’ve been listening to the new album Traversa by Goetic. Goetic is a side project of Wiesenfeld from Baths (Rotosplasum which came out at the end of 2017 is probably coming close to album of the year 2018 for me). Anyway if you like upbeat ambient with lots of colour and texture, this might be an album for you.

Remember kids:


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2 responses to “Excess Salt”

  1. […] is about as negative as I’m going to get. I realised after this episode of my podcast. 29 episodes in that I fell pry to the temptation to be negative. Makign the show made me feel […]

  2. […] in 2018 I made an episode of 301 called ‘removed excess salt‘ it was an ‘angry rant about having opinions on gammons’. At the time I said the […]

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