Groggy Mornings

I’ve been fighting off a low level cold all week. Groggy mornings and generally feeling slow and under the weather.


6 minutes

I’ve been fighting off a low level cold all week. Groggy mornings and generally feeling slow and under the weather. On top of that I got my flu jab yesterday, as I’m in a vulnerable group – you know, having an auto immune disease and all. So now I’m feeling even more rotten.

My jab was before 9am, I was the 3rd person in. My usual joke, abut getting in early so the needle would still be sharp fell on stony ground. No one appreciated my comedy genius dad joke early on a Saturday morning 🙁 It’s funnier at haematology up at the hospital.

Anyways, I really enjoyed my Patchlab panel discussion yesterday. I’ll update the post with the archived video as soon as it goes online. You’ll all be able to see me get sick in real time. About an hour in my ears started ringing. LOL.

Yesterday evening I committed a terrible trespass upon myself. Having taken leave of my senses, feeling sort of faint, I was curious to see what someone (who I consider to be one of the worst people on social media) was tweeting about.

Nothing good.

I have no idea why I felt the need to check in.

This is about as negative as I’m going to get. I realised after this episode of my podcast. 29 episodes in that I fell pry to the temptation to be negative. Makign the show made me feel worse.

Feeding the machine is a good way to get followers and traction. The kraken loves it. People intuitively know the machine will eat them, but they do it anyway.

Th culture war is an engineered info war and I want to play no part in it.

I watched this 2021 interview with Steven Pressfield on the Rich Roll podcast earlier in the week. I thought it was very good! About 40mins in they talk about the fear of starting, self loathing from not doing the thing, and overcoming procrastination.

Permanently Moved

My World of Books

Amazon clear cut the hunting grounds and e-Bay destroyed the sport. But the hunt, and thrill of the chase still remains.

Photo 365


The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Patchlab panel talk and panel!
  • Writing my metaverse talk
  • Did a whole bunch of tweaks and editing across multiple episodes of my new podcast
  • Interview with Surrey University about Solarpunk
  • Interview with Canadian Media Fund about Cultural Fracking
  • Two calls with MA students doing work on worlds/futures/solarpunk etc
  • Heap of writing, pushing several projects forward
  • Continued with my ‘big digital tidy’ and freed up 10gbs of space on my laptop.

Dipping the Stacks

This Country Music Cookbook From 1986 Is a Treasure – Eater

Banana pudding from Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire’s poke salad recipe: This book has everything

Ubiquitous Energy aims to make solar windows the global standard

US company Ubiquitous Energy has invented a thin coating that turns windows into transparent solar panels, providing other ways to harvest renewable energy in buildings beyond rooftop panels.

What the Queen’s English revealed about a changing world – BBC Future

Harrington and Reubold’s most recent analysis, however, reveals something perhaps even more surprising: in the final years of the Queen’s life, her accent reverted to be more similar to the way she spoke in her youth.  

Reality Is Just a Game Now — The New Atlantis

Scoring points, hunting for clues, building plotlines, revealing the Grand Narrative… Why are people acting like the national fracture is fun?

Types of Habits And Why You Need To Know About Them –

That’s why, when certain tasks get repeated over a long period of time. The brain assumes that they should be done until you are alive – or until you actively engage in the process of removing a certain habit out of your system.


Still reading How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live: Learning the Alexander Technique by Missy Vineyard. Wow what an amazing book.

I listened to the audible exclusive audio book of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Day of Ascension. I know that Tchaikovsky has played in the Warhammer 40k Universe before – short stories in Inferno Magazine etc. But this is is first full length book. Well, I say full length. Its a short novel/very long novella. Told from the perspective of the Mechanicus and the Genestealer cults. The book is very readable, and its fun to experience Tchaikovsky in ‘pulp mode’.

Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry by Jane Hirshfield arrived second hand from the US in hardback this week. I haven’t started reading it, as I think I may take it on holiday with me later this month. I wrote about it on my podcast this week.

I’m really busy. Currently lacking time to read any of the stack of books about computing or the metaverse I bought as research. So I’ve fallen back onto a second Warhammer 40k audio book in a week. Huron Blackheart: Master of the Maelstrom by Mike Brooks. Its the first time I’ve heard Brooks write Space Marine sand I’m loving the tone of voice he chose. It was quite short. 3*s

Having fnished 2 Warhammer 40k books I’m now on to listening to the 3rd of the week – Awakenings: An Astor Sabbathiel Audiobook by George Mann. The book is Narrated by Helen Keeley, who also voiced the Bequin trilogy for BL. She’s fantastic. The book is a bit weird. Originally a comic character the Sabbathiel book jumps around a lot out of order, forwards and backwards in time. Listening to it means is all a bit confusing to follow so far.

Music Spotify Playlist

Part Chimp – Drool

I got round to listening to Part Chimp’s June 2021 album Drool.

I actually have no idea how many times I saw them live back in the early 00’s PartChimp (2003) and I Am Come (2005) remind me of driving around Wandsworth late at night and taking the A3 down to Guildford.

Is so awesome that these lads are still making punishingly heavy music. In recent years they have added more solos, and more slowed down a bit. But they are every bit as loud as they were 20 years ago. Drool opens with a huge 4 chord riff and guitar solo on the song ‘Back From the Dead‘. This being their first album since 2019 I wonder who exactly is back:

Another banging video that looks like it was made in a game engine or a game mod box. What a time to be alive. So creatively exciting. So full of possibility.

The album closer Worms buttons down the album perfectly.

It’s strange. I don’t feel like this album is going to sink into my historical psyche like their first albums did. Music still soundtracks my life but it no longer holds up the psychic columns of the roof for all other experiences and thoughts to take place inside of.

Still tho. If Part Chimp are playing a gig near me, I’ll go see em again. Maybe get the lads/gang back together.

Remember Kids:

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