My Media Ecology | 2027


Art x Advanced Technologies, Growing Up a Punk, Trauma Talks and Interdependence


Trauma Talks Podcast:
interdependence Podcast:

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo


My Media Ecology

Art x Advanced Technologies

First of all I’d like to offer my big congratulations to friends, colleagues and co-conspirators at rival x strategy and the Serpentine Gallery for launching their long awaited 150 something page report: Art x Advanced Technologies.

The report offers strategic insights to practitioners and organisations across art, science, technology and policy. With contributions from Holly Herndon, Ian Cheng, Hyphen-Labs, Kenric McDowell, Rachel Armstrong and Takashi Kudo of TeamLab and more. If you have an interest in or work in any of those fields then I highly recommend checking out the smartphone-optimised googledoc of report at

It is also available in open-bound hardcopy set in default HTML Times New Roman, and printed in CSS blue. I posted a picture of it back in March..

I think this report will be looked back on as an influential text going into the 2020’s and beyond. It really is the first big piece of thinking into 21st Century cultural infrastructure i’ve come across. Covering everything from who makes what, the challenges involved in making art with advanced or developing technologies in the present moment, and the recognition of the changing terrain of the art world and the industrial cultural complex we have lived with during the 20th century.

All in all highly recommended. 

The disclaimer I’m placing here is that I mentioned in the special thanks of the report. Link to the FAE project can be found in the show notes. Definitely check it out.

Unfortunately for everyone, that opening segment only used up one third of my script’s word count. So now what let’s think

I said on my blog recently, that by time spent engaging with material. I think maybe two thirds to maybe three quarters of all the media I consume at this point in my life is by people I know or am connected to. This includes blogs, podcasts, web shows etc. Even the fiction book I’m reading right now is by someone I’m acquainted with in real life, which is why I have the first draft.

It honestly feels like home. I’ll get to why in a bit. But I think It’s a very different experience than the more general media ecology. I’m not saying that it’s better, though i suspect it probably is. But it is certainly … different. I am able to read or listen to something and drop the creator a line to say great job, ask a question or offer some support.  

Growing Up A Punk

I’ve given multiple talks now about how the seeds of many of the things that are important to me today were planted in the DIY punk scene where I grew up. Community, Politics, the importance of respect and in some sense professionalism between others that you must share space with. Just how Interdependent all aspects of a punk scene are, the economics of putting on gigs, making a zine, or running a practice room so the bands playing the gigs can get gud. No individual in a scene can stand alone, which is why the scene is in some sense always dying.

Lastly, I also learnt an important lesson on how to behave on the Internet. Even back in the year 2000 I knew that the internet was real life. Someone had been talking shit on the local PhPBBS and got glassed the following Friday night for what they said on the forum. Talk shit online, get banged as it were. A very clear lesson to observe.

But all that aside the media environment I’ve managed to move myself into personally feels a little like it did back then. A majority of it is being created by people around me. We are all in some sense creating and living our own culture. Back in the Noughtys NME was the Enemy not because it represented the quote un quote mainstream but because it was an authority or entity that was telling us what was supposed to be good. We knew what was good, because we were all making good shit and enjoying it.

I encourage you all to engage with media and content that your friends are making outside of what they are saying/posting on social networks. It is the only way we are going to claw back a healthy media environment.

The Trauma Talks Podcast

With that in mind, I’ll point you in the direction of The Trauma Talks Podcast hosted by Jeremy Sachs and Katherine Cox.

The podcast examines the challenges of living with trauma. None of the episodes go into detail about traumatic events themselves but instead seeks to be educational and supportive. The aim is to challenge and dispel stigma and the myths around types of trauma. To give survivors a platform to communicate their own messages and to give a voice to silenced communities.

They are only 2 episodes in, but it’s shaping up to be something special. Episode one features Lady Unchained the founder of Unchained Poetry a platform for artists with experience of the criminal justice system. I’ve been lucky enough to see her perform her spoken work several times and she’s great.

Lets also recommend hosted by Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst. They are 10 episodes in now, supported by Patreon. Having conversations with people working on projects at the forefront of 21st Century Culture, with an emphasis on music, technology and policy. From Glen Weyl of the penny fractions newsletter or Evegeny Morozov founder of the the syllabus, to Trevor McFedries of Brud. If the future art ecosystems book floated your boat then check that show out too.

The script above is the original script I wrote for the episode. It may differ from what ended up in audio due to time constraints.

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One response to “My Media Ecology | 2027”

  1. […] thing, it means a lot to me and (I would suggest) that others need to remember this too. My media ecology is set up in such a way that I try to keep up to date with as much ‘work’ that my peers […]

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