Cade Diehm Searches ‘Economic Subcultures’ | Come Internet With Me

This week I’m joined by The New Design Congress founder, and digital infrastructure and security researcher Cade Diehm.

1 minute

Come Internet With Me is a web show with a gentle premise:
Browsing the web together.

This week I’m joined by The New Design Congress founder, and digital infrastructure and security researcher Cade Diehm.

We search ‘Economic Subcultures’. Discover Fan Economies, Furry Socialism, 3D Avatar Social Apps, Take a deep dive into spending in the Furry Fandom, look at Animal Crossing’s ‘Bell’ grey market, and ponder the Brony Fandom’s recent album ‘Ponies at Dawn’.

Having since listened to the album I disagree with Cade. I think its great! My fav track is ‘bank pain’.

New Design Congress:
Cade’s Website:
Cade’s Twitter:

Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe!

Notable pages we visited during the show are bookmarked in the channel below:

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3 responses to “Cade Diehm Searches ‘Economic Subcultures’ | Come Internet With Me”

  1. […] COME INTERNET WITH ME โ€“ Cade Diehm Searches โ€˜Economic Subculturesโ€™ […]

  2. […] a community they already have well established economic production norms. A far stronger sense of community and solidarity that can be found anywhere in web3โ€™s ecosystem. […]

  3. [โ€ฆ] Lisa Blanning searched โ€˜Hermit crabsโ€™. This week digital infrastructure and security researcher Cade Diehm and I searched โ€˜Economic Subculturesโ€™. You may remember Cadeโ€™s from the Episode: [โ€ฆ]

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