About Doin’ | 301 – 2043


I have a Solarpunk short story coming out in the e-anthology ‘And Lately, The Sun’ next month!

And Lately, The Sun Pre-Order: https://latelythesun.com/
The Laughing Man: https://www.thejaymo.net/2019/10/25/301-1930-the-laughing-man-a-ghost-story/
Saints & Souls: https://www.thejaymo.net/2019/11/01/301-1931-saints-souls/
My new youtube show! http://comeinternetwith.me
Dimensino: https://www.thejaymo.net/Dimensino/

Full show notes: http://www.thejaymo.net/2020/10/30/301-2043-about-doin/

Website: https://www.thejaymo.net/
Podcast: http://permanentlymoved.online
Support: https://www.thejaymo.net/support/

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded by @thejaymo

About Doin’

If you’re in the mood for some seasonal content. Last year’s double bill on the Laughing Man and the episode on the need to stay with the trouble of our ancestors are now both up on the blog. Links in the show notes.

I know it’s only been a few weeks since I talked about what I’ve be a-doin’, but I’ve got a lot going on that I’m excited to share:

Firstly, I’m extremely happy to announce I sold my first solarpunk short story! It’s called In The Storm, A Fire. Co-written with the award winning speculative fiction writer, and previous 301 guest host Andrew Dana Hudson.

The e-anthology And Lately, The Sun: ‘Speculative fictions for a climate thrashed world’ is available to pre-order. Out on November 26.

It’s a hero gets in and out of trouble story. About fascism with American characteristics. Its got homebrew pharmaceutical hacklabs, ageing snapchat demagogues, priests praying prayers from st teresa of avila and loads more. 

It was a blast to write with Andrew and I’m really glad it’s going to be available for you all to read. A link to pre-order will also be in the show notes.


I’ve started a youtube show. If 5 blessedly short minutes of Jaymo a week isn’t enough for you, then head on over to comeinternetwith.me.

Come Internet With Me is a web show with a gentle premise: Browsing the web together.

Each week a guest brings a subject they have seen or would like to know a little more about. I share my screen, type the search into the web browser and go down the rabbit hole together. We chat about and discuss the things we’re finding as we go and it’s a lot of fun.

So far my guests have included writer and blogger Mat Colquhoun AKA Xenogothic. We spent an hour reading about ‘tornados’. Tiktok-ker and vigilante for academia public relations T.X. WATSON and I learnt about the 16C knowledge management and note-taking process known as the Zettelkasten Method. The music journalist and booking agent Lisa Blanning searched ‘Hermit crabs’. This week digital infrastructure and security researcher Cade Diehm and I searched ‘Economic Subcultures’. You may remember Cade’s from the Episode: Landscapes Like Mixtapes.

We ended up taking a deep dive into average spending in the Furry Fandom, and the community Brony Fandom produced album ‘Ponies at Dawn’. Did you know that at the time of the 2017 survey Furries spent a mean of $1007.30 in the previous 12 months, but only $55.48 on Patreon? 

I didn’t. If you think watching two people browse the internet together is more interesting than it sounds then check it out. I’m having an absolute blast making this show and have more great guests lined up. 

Speaking of Patreon,

I’ve recently put out the old virtual tip jar on my blog. I don’t believe in gated content so everything I do including this show will always be free. But the reality is supporting me at any level will allow me to make and do more.

The lowest level of support I’ve set is £3 a month or £30 a year which is below Subtacks minimum price. The response has been very encouraging so far, and convinced me that it’s worth pursuing. 

Third party services like Patreon were the last successful innovation of web 2.0. But the financial technological stack has come a long way since the service launched. In 2020 I think it’s more important than ever to operate and control your own financial plumbing. The future for independent creators are Verticals of One.

Which brings me to the last item. Given the encouraging response from thoes that have supported me so far.

I’ve started a new blog series called Dimensino. An ongoing webscrapbook exploring the emerging Dweb (Web3) ecosystem, the #supportnet, and the coming ‘Metaverse’. 

It is best described as ‘thinking in public’. Introducing, then iterating on ideas as feedback comes in.  I’d like to give transisioning away from working freelance a go and hope you’ll follow along. 

The first post is on Verticals of One.

Which is an individual with access to a complete ensemble of discrete, modular plug and play technologies. Such as: financial plumbing, dynamic IP ownership, content delivery, walled gardens, community gates, governance tools, and smart contracts operating at different levels of abstraction. Interoperable, yet vertically integrated to produce one (nominally seamless) user experience.

The essay then takes a short dive into platform theory and discusses the theoretical User Experience of joining a Distributed Autonomous Organization of the future.

I have a few more posts lined up already: Sources of value vs organising value, PERMISSIVE IPs and The Alms Race. 

I thought fuck it. Why not. One podcast a week, One Youtube video a week and a short essay/idea about blockchains, the metaverse, the future of intellectual property a week. All put on the internet for free.

I don’t know how sustainable this will be, but it’s certainly something I’m willing to lean into. I’ve helped loads of independent creators plan and execute on their own endeavours in the last few years but have never tried to do it myself. 

If you have ever enjoyed an episode of 301 or any of my writing please do share it with others or go to thejaymo.net/support and consider subscribing for a couple of quid a month. 

Cheers. Speak to you next week.

The above is the original script I wrote for the episode. It may differ from what ended up in audio due to time constraints.

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