[Guest Episode] The Dark Souls Method | 2123


Author J David Osborne guest hosts 301 this week. He talks Darksouls, Petscop, Gulags and Narrative strategy.

Subscribe to his podcast No Country co-hosted by Kris Saknussemm

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Webshow: http://comeinternetwith.me
Website: https://www.thejaymo.net/

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded by @thejaymo

The Dark Souls Method

J David Osborne posted the script on his blog at brokenriverbooks.com

You can read it here

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4 responses to “[Guest Episode] The Dark Souls Method | 2123”

  1. […] friend JD O – Check out his 301 podcast episode – recently withdrew ‘pay what you […]

  2. […] and the video game Death Stranding. You may remember JDO from his guest episode last year. Episode 2123: The Dark Souls Method. A show about Dark Souls and […]

  3. […] J David Osborne (who has just re-booted his newsletter by the way) told me recently that he thinks of writing – The Doing – as a performance. Once the show is over, the novel is done. […]

  4. […] If you read my blog, you’ll already know that I went on one of my favourite shows last week. I spoke with J David Osborne on Agitator Pod. (Remember, JDO, he guest hosted episode 21-23.) […]

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