Day Off

The London wall far more-so than the Barbican is roe me the most ‘retro future’ looking building in the City of London.


4 minutes

Good evening.

I hope everyone is having an OK weekend? It’s 7pm at the time of writing and I still have 13 things on my list of things to do for the week 😬

Those of you subscribed via e-mail will notice this is the second post from me today. My podcast took a back seat this weekend. I decided that it wasn’t urgent and went into London yesterday to hang out with a friend.

We walked all along the south bank and then into the city. We walked and talked for hours, having not seen each other since Autumn 2019 there was a lot to catch up on!

As is a bit of a tradition when we’re hanging out, we went to Postman’s Park. It is one of the most moving public memorial parks in Central London. A real gem. Standing there in the cold reading the entries on the Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice, one finds it hard not to be moved by the actions of people who lived over 100 years ago.

The London wall far more-so than the Barbican is roe me the most ‘retro future’ looking building in the City of London.

Anyways, we went out separate ways mid afternoon. Whilst I was on my way home I decided to have a full day off. It was really nice.

It has of course left me with a massive pile of things to do today. I’ve been super busy moving from one task to the next. Today has probably been one of the most productive days I’ve had in a long time. Two days worth of things to do in one. But its ok! The night is still young and Eve is away lol.

You may remember I had an essay on being a teenaged conspiracy theorist in Unsound Festival’s 2020’s ‘Intermission‘ book.

It’s currently available to purchase again as an epub in a “pay what you want” bundle along with the Intermission album, before hitting the retailers next month.

Head on over to the festivals bandcamp if you want to grab yourself a copy.

Permanently Moved

Urgent Anxiety

The dream about running and not getting anywhere has escaped the night. We are living it.

The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Emails about things next year
  • Planning out how to attack a huge pile of data for someone
  • Had a rambling conversation with Julian for the Near Future Laboratory podcast – out soon
  • Developing and failing the new work/life routine

Dipping the Stacks

Why Writers Shouldn’t Wait for Permission to Create the Stories They Want ‹ Literary Hub

Dozens of European perverts had created work so far beyond the fringe that nobody in today’s world of publishing had a shred of moral authority to enforce decorum.

A freeway ripped the heart out of Black life in Detroit. Now Michigan wants to tear it down. | Grist

Urban communities like Detroit, Michigan, are now debating whether to remove their legacy highways — and how to fix the harm they’ve caused.

America’s Gambling Addiction Is Metastasizing – The Atlantic

When life feels this precarious, it’s only natural to roll the dice on just about everything.

Strange Horizons – Surviving Utopia By Kes Otter Lieffe

I’ve been told by middle-class people that the working class in northern Europe don’t experience material poverty, just a poverty of the imagination.

When Multilevel Marketing Met Gen Z – The Atlantic

Amelia Whelan used social media as an accelerant for her sales community. Then things blew up.


I’m nearly done with ‘For the Love of Soil: Strategies to Regenerate Our Food Production Systems’ really good book. Highly recommend.

I’ve had the warhammer audiobook Priests of Mars by Graham McNeill sitting on my audible unread for ages and finally got round to listening to it. Some really fun ideas, compelling characters, and a great setting. Is the first of a trilogy and the other two aren’t out as audiobooks yet. 🙁

Music Spotify Playlist

Rural Internet – Breaking Up

I’ve really been enjoying the whole Breaking Up album by Rural Internet.

An early track on the album Brainworms is a total bob. Catch, noisy, hyper pop-y, its a grab bag of styles and genres. It’s a good taster of what the whole album is like.

Remember Kids:

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