Tend Soil

I don’t usually feel like a new year is any different, a change of date does not change the conditions that have been carried forward.


6 minutes

I don’t usually feel like a new year is any different from the one before, a change of date does not change the material or social conditions that have carried me forward from one year to the next. But for the first time the new year, the new date for 2022 has felt like a psychic break. I can leave last year behind, and close the book on it.

I wrote last year about how I don’t like firm goals but prefer to set ‘vectors’.

I prefer to set my self a few concrete goals and what I like to think of as vectors. I like the term as vector has both a magnitude and a direction

Whilst usually applied to objects, I think IDEAS have vectors, They warp and shape reality – they can deform it. Like a river’s erosion, a small trickle can be come a grand valley over time.

A river may meander but its vector is always the same – it’s destination.

The theme for 2021 was ‘Plan to Finish’ as I’ve noted elsewhere – that didn’t go so well. The themes for the year before was ‘Do Everything’ and that didn’t go very well either. So this year it’s ‘Tend Soil’.

Towards the back end of last year the ‘vectors’ I set evolved in to more poetic or loose buckets of activity. Some were combined others I dropped.

The vectors for 2021 are especially the top level project buckets in my todolist manager

> Find Rhythm
> Hold The Fort
> Water Plants
> Create
> Tend Soil

Thats it, thats the plan for 2022.

This week has been a busy one, charging about IRL getting things done. Collecting things, delivering things, ticking off todolists. In addition we had a leak in our flat which cause our handyman to precariously crawl over a glass roof with a ladder and crawl boards at 9am in -2 degree weather. Honestly it was all go.

Yesterday was also a busy day, I recorded my podcast (see video below) at about 8 in the morning, then went off to the studio for an all day band rehearsal. 7 hours. 😲. We were all feeling our mid 30’s age towards the end. Standing up for hours on end with instruments etc We had a posture/stretch session just after the lunch break. Then I got home about 5.30 and edited my podcast and pushed it out. Then I cleaned the kitchen and sorted a bunch of other domestic shit out. By 8/15pm I was sitting in a freezing cold pub garden under a heater with a beer and the dudes from my band – as if 7 hours wasn’t enough time spent together yesterday.

It was a really productive day, full of real progress.

Photo 365

Photo 009/365

The photo above from the practice room is basically a carbon copy of a photo I know I’ve posted before. But I mean everyone has their spot and the amp they use so its not like theirs much variety. The difference between this photo and the last one is that this is photo 009 of my 365 / photo-a-day for 2022.

I haven’t decided on the best way to push the photos out yet, I might post them at the end of the month as a big photo dump. When I get a minute I’ll also put them up on my Flickr – which I haven’t used for nearly a decade despite paying for it.

Anyone have ideas for how I should push the 365 photos out LMK in the comments.

Permanently Moved

The Fear of Finding Out

The Long Fear. It’s the question in the dead of the night. It’s there when things are going well, it remains unanswered when you procrastinate

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The Ministry Of My Own Labour

First week back!

  • I’ve been paying my taxes and closing out 2021
  • Seems like closing out 2021 mainly consists of setting up for 2022
  • I’m late on filling out my bullet journal but I’m hoping to have it all set up by this evening
    • Went with a square ruled notebook this year. Don’t know how I feel about that
  • Signed off my article for Solarpunk mag – out next week in a few days
  • Planning….. Lots of planning

Dipping the Stacks

Can anything replace the mall?

The best symbol of hypercapitalism operating at full power isn’t a live mall, but a dead one.

Culture wars aren’t a distraction, they’re a battle over everything | openDemocracy

For some, the ‘war on woke’ is just common sense. But they’ll find that the pillars holding up England’s traditional hierarchies are rotting.

How Shein beat Amazon at its own game — and reinvented fast fashion – Rest of World

By connecting China’s garment factories with Western Gen-Z customers, Shein ushered in a new era of ‘ultra-fast’ shopping.

CHUNGUS 2 – A very powerful 1Hz Minecraft CPU – YouTube

CHUNGUS 2: Electric Boogaloo – A Minecraft CPU capable of running Tetris, snake, connect 4, graph rendering… and more!

Ideas | The uncomfortable link between the U.S. insurrection and Tahrir Square revolution – Rest of World

Social media has gone from being the savior of democracy to the scourge of democracy. How did it come to this?


Over the Christmas and New Years, I read (finished) a bunch of books. I read 1 Warhammer novel and 1 warhammer novella. I also re-read The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield, and started read the British Journalist Evan Davis’ 2017 book Post Truth.

I also beta read C.Y. Ballard’s debut novel. I can’t say much but it was fantastic. A real honour to be asked to read it.

I finished listening to For the Love of Soil: Strategies to Regenerate Our Food Production Systems by Nicole Masters. It’s absolutely fantastic. Very detailed and full of really interesting information. After finishing the Audiobook I bought the ebook for reference material.

I’ve started reading Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich.


thejaymo.net Spotify Playlist

Nia Archives

On the drive back from the woods we were listening to Eve’s running playlist on Spotify and Nia Archives came on, I was like “What is THIS” so good. This UKFM interview gives a good insight overview into her work as an artist. “Producer, singer, songwriter, filmmaker – you name it, Nia could be considered any of them.”

Nia Archives has a mid 2000’s pop vocal style that shines over frantic breakbeats and jungle basslines. Sometimes a track will slip into full breakbeat but only for a moment then it pulls back. Nia Archives is a fantastic songwriter, and producer – I feel like her main focus is on achieving a vibe and groove, which in turn carries over to the videos she directs too.

So much talent.

Sober Feels

18 & Over 

Remember Kids:

Samsung Discord meme about web3 and NFTs.

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One response to “Tend Soil”

  1. […] should not wait until January to make New Year’s resolutions. The optimism that comes with a new calendar year is unfounded and interferes with critical thinking. The direction of travel for next year must be identified […]

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