Start Select Reset Zine – Jasper’s Ends 

Start Select Reset Zine shipped today! Issue #003 contains an essay on the power of imaginary maps to create the territory.


1 minute

The newest issue of Start Select Reset Zine went out today via sail mail to paid supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above.

Issue #003 contains an essay on the power of imaginary maps to create the territory. It also kicks off a collective world building experiment I’d like to try and prototype with supporters of Instructions enclosed!

If you would like to subscribe to the Zine use to buttons below.

If you would like to know why I chose to start a physical newsletter and not a substack in 2022 you can read about that here.

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There are 7 issues of SSRZ003 remaining. Subscribe if you’d like one.

Issue #004 shipping first week in December ’22

Big thanks again to all my paid subscribers. Without you none of the online endeavour known as is possible.

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One response to “Start Select Reset Zine – Jasper’s Ends ”

  1. […] Issue #3 of zine went out to paid subscribers last week. It kicks off what hopefully will become a collaborative […]

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