Big Noise

I went to see BOTCH at the Electric Ballroom last night

5 minutes

Well damn it … I accidentally published this out to my email subscribers so it’s very likely that a couple of 1000 people aren’t going to ever read or see this. Instead the entry for this week is simply – TEXT – left in the template.

Ah well, not much I can do about that is there?

Big Noise

In any case. the main new this week is that I went to see BOTCH at the Electric Ballroom last night. They were SUPER tight. Despite being nearly 30 years ago and the huge influence and legacy the band had on hardcore punk, the music still sounds raw and fresh. Like hearing it for the first time.

It was quite frankly one of the best rock and roll gigs I’ve ever been to ever. Their second and last ever UK show. Thought I’d never get to see them again.

A photo of BOTCH playing at Electric Ballroom. March 2024
A photo of BOTCH playing at Electric Ballroom. March 2024

They were supported by Seattle noise titans Great Falls. They were absolutely fantastic. I turned to my mate jess after they finished playing and just ‘That was a big noise‘ which is the highest level of compliment in my book.

A photo of Great Falls playing at Electric Ballroom. March 2024

Permanently Moved

Permanently Moved returns for Season 11 in 2024! New creative goals require new creative endeavours.

Also, Issue #009 of my zine went out to paid subscribers via snail mail this week.

Full Show Notes:

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Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded by @thejaymo

Photo 365


The Ministry Of My Own Labour

  • Several Solarpunk related calls!
  • Novara planning
  • Had couple of world’s calls – one for the book research
  • Call with Imagination Spectrum founders
  • Band practice
  • Made this years theme for 301

Terminal Access

Fresh from burying himself alive …. in a suit of armour owned by Weta workshop’s Richard Taylor; last summer Wayne was buried alive again in Naples. This time by pal Debcha.

Deb Chachra, who buried me on this occasion, is the only person with direct phenomenological experience of what it looked like at the surface throughout. I was experiencing it from the other side of the dirt. Anyone else, minus the sequence of intermediary documentary evidence, will have to take our word for it.

Once you know Iā€™ve been inhumed like that, the whole volcano ā€“ the whole Earth, in some sense ā€“ is made gravid with the possibility of me being inside it. Seriously, though. Wherever one stands, it does become harder to believe that somebody, something, some past present with potential for future presence, isnā€™t hidden there ā€“ just there ā€“ beneath the surface. Because, of course, it is.

Do click though! The whole article is great, especially the photos.

Dipping the Stacks

How changing the metaphors we use can change the way we think | Aeon Essays

Metaphors and analogies are not mere artefacts of ancient science but also vital instruments of the contemporary scientific orchestra. They help formulate and frame theories: political metaphors, not unlike those used by the ancient Greeks, are frequent in modern biology, which is rife with the language of ā€˜regulatorsā€™


Reframing my household as my workshop has helped rid me of the nagging feeling that I should be doing something else.

Road Verges – Plantlife

Britainā€™s road verges cover an area the size of Dorset and, if managed appropriately, can create a network of wildflower rich grassland. This is a vital habitat as the UK has lost 97% of itā€™s wildflower meadows since the 1930s.

Another Tetris World Record Completely Demolished! What Is Going On?!

Itā€™s only been a little more than a month since a 13-year-old player named Blue Scuti reached the kill screen for the first time in history, a feat only performed previously by an AI. Now itā€™s been done twice more and the world record for points changed hands three times in three days.

Does What Happens at the Table Matter?

There is a tendency I have often noticed among nerdish men of a certain age to get defensive about particular hobbies – video games, heavy metal, horror films, comics, D&D, and so on. Having been told that these pastimes are variously stupid, evil, corrupting, a waste of time, sinful, and so on in their youths, such men have adopted a position at the opposite extreme, which is that it does not matter what media one consumes.


I read What is Narrative Therapy? An Easy to Read Introduction by Alice Morgan this week. A 2000 era book thats so 2000 it has its chapter titles and headings in comic sans! Though it does lend it a ‘this is a therapy book’ vibe to the whole ensemble. Narrative threapy a post modern approach to working with individuals and reframing stories. I’ve enjoyed the book immensely and had my own personal realisation reading it, which Eve joked the other night “Congratulations you saved yourself 1000’s of pounds of therapy” lol.

Also started reading Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams. This 1986 cyberpunk novel feels like the actual book that defined the genre – rather than Neuromancer which in my opinion, is a confusing mess of a novel. I can’t belive it it’s being made into a TV show. What a waste. Anyways, the opening sequences of Hardwired on the other hand are cinematic as hell – right there in the prose.


Teenagers Forever – DURRY

Middle aged pop punk band, pandemic era tiktok megastars, and borther and sister duo DURRY are back with a new single as a follow up to their 2023 album Suburban Legend. This track is about getting older yet being … a Teenager Forever.

I love dungeons and dragons
In the basement with my friends
But everybody’s got commitments
Now it’s getting hard to plan

LAMO. So true.

Remember Kids:

The only thing you’ll ever be aware of is yourself: your consciousness. Understanding how consciousness works, and learning to expand control over it is, imo, the only truly important task. 


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