2019 was a wild ride. With some extreme lows, creative highs, blissful moments, loving moments, new friends and old friends and traveling..


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thejaymo.net Blog header post 118

NYE was good.

We have hosted a party at ours the last couple of years. This year however was at a friends place. We began the evening with some friends who had come over by drinking shots of Irish Moonshine – Poitin or Poteen – However we english decided to spell it.
Then we ate dinner together, had some more shots, and went to the party.

To be honest I really don’t remember much else after that. I had a good time tho. The good news I didn’t go blind. Tho I may have been temporarily – I didn’t take any photos at the party.

I was thinking about doing some kind of hopes and dreams for the new year, mixed with a review of last year kind of post. But it’s not what I ended up doing. Today I just a random mix of things I wanted to post online.

I want to blog more in 2020, post more content here like essays etc. I want to see what kind of personal website this can become. Owning ones archive is really important.

Regular weeknotes will begin again from next week. More blogs per week begin from today.

Jan 1st 2020 marks for me the decade anniversary of giving up using soap and shampoo. I wrote about it a few years ago. My thoughts and experience haven’t really changed that much. Tho I do moisturise a lot more now I’m in my 30’s.

I’ve noticed that there’s quite a few posts and vloggers talking about the ‘not by any new clothes for a year’ challenge. It’s even on the RSA blog. I wrote about my experience of not buying any new clothes in my 2012 end of year review.

In Numbers

Blog: 37,513 words
Podcast Scripts: 38,442 words
November Nanowrimo: 50,873 words
Books (Non-fiction WIPS) (x3): 154,700 words
Fiction: 61,145 words
Diary: 63,056 words

Music Tracks: 14 (All unfinished)

Podcast Downloads: 14,980 (Ex Youtube)
Zine Downloads: 2,840

Blog Views:

These are the yearly views for the last decade. I couldn’t get it to show 2010 which was 6 views. I think moving this blog to my main website is something I should have done 2 years ago when I decided to start bloging again to be honest. But ah well.

My most successful post this year was the one shortly before Christmas on starting a blog. It has cropped up in all sorts of places online.
My zine also influenced a number of people this year and folks have written about it on their Blogs in a way that has been sometimes really touching.
My most successful podcast by a looong way this year was this one on ritual and storytelling. It seems to have gotten a lot of traffic from community collage moodle boards or whatever.

In/Em Bodiment

2019 was a wild ride. With some extreme lows, creative highs, blissful moments, loving moments, new friends and old friends and traveling..

2019 was the year I finally crawled out of the the 2.5 year long depressive slump that has felt like I’ve been wading in quicksand at various degrees of intensity. I know how I am. I have about 5 years to absolutely smash out my life before the dog comes again. Though with changes i’ve made to my life and lifestyle we’ll see.

I also came off one of my Crohn’s Disease medications that I’ve been on since 2002, and I’m extremely healthy and weigh the most I ever have in my life.

I lost my mind a bit more meditating this year – great stuff

Learning to live inside my own body is probably a theme that will be remembered across western culture for the twenty teens decade.

In My Own Labour

I did some fun work this year but not enough of it that paid well.. or sometimes at all tbh.

My talks list is up-to-date on the home page. I really enjoy public speaking, as always I hope to do more.

I am really proud of all the creative things I’ve worked on this year – in fact 2019 might have been the most creative year I’ve ever had. Despite it being tempered by my depression. I have a lot of unfinished work that needs sorting out and sculpting for online consumption and hope to get a lot out.

In addition to setting some fixed creative ambition goals in 2020 I’m going to be focusing on getting more freelance work. This website now I have it is part of that strategy.

I feel like I may have hemmed myself in with the post numbering situation in the title on this blog. I think I’m going to continue to number them, but only the weeknotes posts. Other posts won’t be numbered (like the PRESS) ones or they will just Blog/ or Post in the header image. This will solve some of the mental hangups I’ve had about whats next over her and allow me to post stuff more than once a week.

In Books

All my 2019 books read are here on goodreads Add Me! https://www.goodreads.com/user_challenges/14846995
As you probably all well know… it’s mostly WARHAMMER 40k and Dune. lol

I made a list of all the books I want to read this year. once they are out the way I’m going to start bingeing on pulp noir/hard crime novels.

In Photos

Singapore Jan 2019
Jan – Off World Colonies / Singapore
Bali Tower Menjangan Bali
Jan – Menjangan National Park – Bali
rottnest island austalia
Feb – Empty Paradise Beach – Western Australia
Mar – Queen Mary’s Rose Gardens – London
Wedding favour
April – Friends Wedding – Bridport
Canular in arm
May – Hospital Trip 1 of (many) in 2019 – London
Hague Metro Station
June – The Hague – Netherlands
hagia sophia istanbul
July – Friends Wedding – Istanbul
Smiley face graffiti barcelona spain
July – Sonar Festival – Barcelona
Thames path, kingston, london
Aug – River Walks – London
sunset in crete
Sep – Sunset – Crete
Wawel Royal Castle Krakow Poland
Oct – Unsound Festival – Poland
Blackfriers station london 2019
Nov – Commute – London
Novara media
Dec – Election – London UK

Have a good 2020. Your Attention Is Sovereign.

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One response to “2019”

  1. […] Here’s mine.This post adds to the sporadic collection of previous retrospectives on the blog: 2019, 2017, […]

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