Four Blocks of Ten | 2306


The year ahead is no longer one long road with 50 or so weekly stops along the way to the Christmas horizon. 

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Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded by @thejaymo

Four Blocks of Ten

It’s already February and I haven’t mentioned the new theme yet!

I played it to Eve the evening I made it in January and said I thought it ‘makes a statement’. ‘Yeah’ She replied, ‘An I smoke weed statement.’ lol

I just know it’s going to be a good episode every time I drop the theme’s .wav files into the editor. Stoner rock always gets me HYPED, it was the first music genre I fell in love with as a teenager.

So we’re 6 episodes into 2023 and I thought I’d do a little house keeping.

First of all I’m super glad I committed to four ten episode blocks for 2023. The year ahead is no longer one long road with 50 or so weekly stops along the way to the Christmas horizon. Instead, 4 sets of 10 feels like trekking 4 smaller mountain peaks rather than one big one. It’s totally rearranged the mental effort and furniture required to make the show.

Now, you all know me. I’m all about cultivating a regular creative practice. Doing things week after week. But building breaks into the rhythm of creative production feels like a whole new world. Gordon you were right back in 2018, about so many other things too!

For years I’ve been talking here about wanting to try more experimental things with this show. It’s what the 411 show format was supposed to be for. Unfortunately, I have never quite gotten around to executing.

Making a 301 second long show has become my comfort zone. Doing something new, or out of the ordinary inside of 7 days is an idea that takes up too much mental space. So I’ve never been able to bring myself to do it.

But 4 seasons a year suggest that at least one episode in each session could be something more ambitious. 4 shots at something new a year. Sounds good.

Speaking of 4 things that happen every year. I’m about to take Issue 5 of my zine Start Select Reset to the printers.

It’ll be in the post wending its way to paid subscribers letterboxes by the end of February. This quarter’s issue is called ‘How Are Things?’. A series of short essays about: my lifelong struggle with domestic entropy, labelling stuff, losing and looking after things, and how using a tool completes it.

From the next issue SSR zine will be moving to a new fixed format and layout.

My reasoning being that this is an excuse to learn the Affinity Design suite I bought on sale last month. Moving forward, my zine will still be hand made by me etc. But it’ll become a sort of mixed magazine and newsletter format. The physical design should help me to lean further into this physical publishing experiment of mine. So if you want the last ‘out of format zine’ ending this first year of experimentation, why not sign up today at

Continuing with the printing theme. I have had an idea for something this year that I want to write and self publish; a stapled A5 zine. I have 9 or 10 essays planned out already. Which, when combined with the cadence of 4 seasons of 10 episodes (if you’re doing the maths at home) means that a quarter of the shows I’ll be making this year are accounted for already – mentally at least. I may or may not have started this project already.

Besides the introduction of seasons, having this year-long content plan has drastically reduced the psychic overhead of making the show. For this year at least. I feel rather clever right now, but ask me again during the summer.

The reason for all this streamlining has been to make space and time for the other show – the new interview show I’m making.

I mentioned this in my end of year show in Dec, but chapeau to everyone out there hitting publish on an interview format podcast, week in, week out without fail. Organising and recording guests is an enormous amount of work. Honestly, if you don’t feel the urge to become a paid subscriber to my show, consider becoming a paid supporter of someone else’s. 5 quid a month is less than one beer down my local pub – and in my opinion makers of interview shows deserve a whole round.

I’m thinking of dropping the first season of the new show all at once on its own feed. Maybe just the first half of it, but I haven’t decided on that yet. If anyone has any strong opinions about how to launch a new podcast in 2023, contact me via my blog. I will of course cross post the show’s trailer and first episode here on the Permanently Moved feed when they drop.

I’m really excited about this show. It’s exactly the show I want to make, and more importantly the show I want to listen to. HYPE


The perceptive will not have failed to notice that I’ve mentioned several times throughout this episode that you can become a paid supporter of the show – and if you do that you’ll get zines. The reasons for mentioning this include: inflation, hosting fees, cost of living, the increasing renterism of credit card processors and intermediary platforms, Internet costs and heating bills. Everything is going up, but then again, happily, so are my download numbers.

So whether you’re new here or have been around for a while, and are in a position to do so, please consider becoming a paid supporter of 301. I’ll be back with another essay show next week.



The script above is the original script written for the episode. It may differ from what ended up in the edit.

If you’d like to support this blog and its various projects, please consider making a regular contribution here. It genuinely helps me keep things up and running, so thank you!

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2 responses to “Four Blocks of Ten | 2306”

  1. […] aggregate, it all feels like a herculean blur of effort. Speaking of effort, making 40 episodes a year instead of 50 is great. Hands down the best decision I made back in January for this year. There’s absolutely […]

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